Training (Germany X Reader)

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Ludwig scowled at his crush (Y/N). He sighed as she managed to make a home run and end up flinging herself into his brother's arms. They were best friends after all but he couldn't help but be jealous of their intimacy. He couldn't help but like the little things about her. The things his brother probably wouldn't think to notice himself. How when she was concentrating she'd stick out her tongue or when she was angry she'd chew on her lips a little. And Gilbert would never notice the smile she gave him how different it was to the smile she gave Ludwig. That was what made Ludwig so anxious half the time. Ludwig sighed and glanced down at his feet.
"She'd never like a guy like me... I'm just kidding myself..." He murmured at nothing in particular. His hands were now sweaty and the bat he was holding kept slipping. Ludwig slowly walked to the correct spot ready for him to hit the ball. He glanced up, Gilbert was throwing. The ball flew from his hand and made it's way to Ludwig. After school training had taught Ludwig one thing, don't hit the ball and aim for where you want it go. Hit and run instead. That's what he did, hit the ball and ran, he ran all the way. Everyone stopped playing so it was easy for him. When he got to the end he looked around. Gilbert was pushing his way through a crowd. What the hell? Then it struck him like a bat striking a ball. He'd hit someone. Hit someone and ran. Ludwig somehow shoveled himself to the centre of the group and flung Gilbert off the body lead on the floor. She grabbed his hand and laughed. It was a sweet laugh, she also smiled, it was the smile she always gave Gilbert. The best smile she could give.
"I thought you loved me, Luddy, you can't just try knock me out with the ball you doofus!" (Y/N) giggled at him. A bruise was forming on her left eye. She pushed herself up and hugged Ludwig tightly.
"Do you have concussion?" He whispered, blushing immensely at her actions.
"Nope," She grinned, "But I think I may have a boyfriend sometime soon..."
"G-Gil?" Gilbert frowned.
"Na, I'm thinking a good sportsman, blonde, blue eyes, hits people with balls using his bat? Know anyone?" She asked.
"Me." Ludwig smiled hugging her back.

A small brunette in the back of the diminishing crowd glared at the girl in Ludwig's arm. How could she take away his Ludwig?!
"I tried keeping them away from each other." Gilbert scowled at the brunette.
"Try harder." The smaller one growled.
"Too late, I'm off, bye!" Gilbert laughed at the brunette's anger.

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