27 (Akihiko's Belt ;) )

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It's now a week before the next full moon, or to be more specific, the next big boss battle.

The Dark Hour approaches and I'm on my bed, waiting for someone who frequently visits around this time of the day.

"Good evening" a small child voice booms out and suddenly Pharos is sitting at the edge of my bed.

"It seems like you are expecting me, hmm? We are quite attached aren't we? I chuckle at his statement, and he has a point, it feels like I know this boy since forever.

" It's becoming quite lively around you. So, how are you getting along with the others?"

"Perfectly! We got a robot, a dog and most possibly a kid in our team soon!"

"I'm glad to hear that" he chuckles and his chuckles vanish "It is one week until the next full moon.Are you prepared...?"

I pump out my fist,showing how prepared am I.

"To be honest, I'm not too worried about you. However, you should still remain cautious " He looks at me again in the eyes, his glowing blue eyes somehow connects to me. His eyes.... seems familiar

"I'll come to see you again." That was his last words, before he vanished.

Today I'll be leaving for the countryside early. The Swimming Championship and The Boxing Match will be held tomorrow.

I make sure I didn't leave some stuff before making my way to the station. I boarded the train with my fellow teammates and boxers and sat beside a boxer from my class.

Along the way, I keep thinkimg about the competition tomorrow. I have to admit, I am nervous.What if I accidentally plunch too early? What if I failed my team by making a silly mistake that will cause the team to lose by DQ?

"Daydreaming I see?" I startle and I look up from my seat, seeing Akihiko standing with a grin on his face.

He gives this kinda look that screams get lost to the boxer beside me and he sure do looks scary. The guy quickly stands up and bows down a little to him before running off to other side of the train.

"So thinking about tomorrow, Minako?" I turn red in embarrassment and I cover my face with the brochure of the inn we will be staying at.

He chuckles "Don't be like that, remember Minako, you are strong and surely you'll beat them!" He tries his best to comfort me and I must say, it's working.

I slowly mouth a thank you to him "That's more like it" He suddenly pinches my right cheek making my face even redder and I quickly slap his hand away. "Ey, it hurts Senpai!"

I pout and rub my right cheek, still annoyed of him acting like I'm a little child.

"I know you can win this, I have been looking at you practising through the mirror-" His words hangs for a while before he realize that he sounds like an ultimate stalker. A tint of red can be seen from his face

"Hmm, not that I only have Aigis to stalk me, it seems like I have another one" I raise an eyebrow, showing a sarcasm.

"Wait, Minako it's not like that" He frowns in embarrassment and I just laugh at his face.

The whole journey to the countryside was filled with me laughing in the train with him. I noticed that a few students have been giving us the look, but I didn't care. All I care is spending time with Akihiko, a great way to make my mind relax about the tournament tomorrow.

I look at the building infront of me, comparing it with my school. Yasoinaba High.

Gekkoukan High has a nice touch of modern contemporary while this school, let's say it's a very rustic school. It's dull but the students make up to that, they are sure lively and nice to hang out with.

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