19: Him, Them, and Christmas Land

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We were finally at Christmas Land and I was suddenly filled with joy.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year and no matter how old I get, there was always something amazing about this place.

"Isabella, I just want to say sorry for how I've been acting lately."

"You're forgiven, only because you're paying for rides and food. You've got some people to meet tonight."

Dean looks at me worried and I laugh.

"Am I meeting your parents?"

"No, calm down. Just some friends and family. My parents are probably busy working tonight."

He sighed in relief, taking my hand as we walk further into the park.

Christmas Land glowed with lights on every corner with signs with cute names like North Pole Street, Santa Avenue, and Elf Boulevard.

We could pick out Christmas trees, decorated ornaments, make your own type of hot cocoa, hear a story reading, take pictures with Santa, and even go on some rides.

I was supposed to meet Hazel, Isaiah, and her brothers over at Elves Gift Shop so I guided Dean along with me.


Mateo Jr. shouts and I smile as he runs to me.

"Hey, Mateo! You are getting big!"

Mateo had just turned 3 this year but he was taller than most his age.

"Papi says I'll be taller than my Tíos in a couple of years."

He grins at me with a crooked smile and I smile too.

Seeing Dean behind me, Jr. decides to introduce himself.

"Hello, I'm Bella's favorite nephew, Mateo Jr. What's your name?"

"You're her only nephew. Stop telling people that."

His dad says coming towards his son and ruffling his hair.

His wife, Lucía, follows behind him, hugging me.

"Mateo, Jr., Lucía, this is Dean. Dean this is Hazel's brother, and his wife and son."

"It nice to meet all of you. Especially this little guy."

Mateo Jr. furrows his eyebrows at Dean and says, "I'm not little."

His mom chuckles at that, picking him up before he has a fit.

"No hijo, you're my big man. Let's get you some hot cocoa, okay?"

He nods and says bye to us before leaving with his mom.

"So how long have the two of you been going out?"

Mateo asks and I look to Dean.

I want to say a month but half of it didn't count so I wait for him to speak.

"Oh, not too long. We're still getting to know one another."

Mateo doesn't say anything but looks Dean up and down.

"Alright, Dean. You seem like no harm but remember this, Isabella here has 3 brothers who watch too many murder shows and not afraid to get our hands dirty."

I pressed my teeth down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing when Dean widens his eyes at Mateo.

"Um, yes sir. I'll remember that."

"Good", Mateo replies, patting Dean back, "You do that."

He turns to me, hugging me, and informs me that the two other hooligans are taking pictures with Santa.

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