Chapter 1: The Past

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© 2013 by Rene_London

-Tiffany POV-

"Can we go eat already" I said as we sat in our hotel room. "Hold on I'm almost ready" Vanessa called back. "It really doesn't take that long to put on some got damn shoes" I said rolling my eyes and standing by the open door. "Calm down Tiffany its not like were going to meet anyone special" Zanna said going through something on her phone. "You don't know that" Luna said now standing by me. Zanna shrugged her shoulders and got up walking over to us. "I'm ready" Vanessa said walking over to us also. "Finally" I said pulling the door and walking out to the elevator. I pushed the button and the doors opened, I got onto the elevator and turned around before pushing the button for the lobby. "The food isn't running anywhere Tiffany" Vanessa said. "Yeah whatever come on" I said pushing the button. The door barley closed before someone stuck their right foot in between the doors. "YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME" I screamed throwing my hands up and rolling my eyes. The doors opened again and there was the face of Ray Ray. "My fault shawty" he said smiling. "You're Ray from Mindless Behavior" Luna said pushing everyone out of the way. "Yeah and who you" he asked walking onto the elevator with the rest of MB. "I'm Luna" she said following him. "Nice meeting you" he said shoving his hands into his pockets. "You've actually met me plenty of times" she said. "I was wondering why you looked so familiar" he said with a smirk. "Look a nigga is starving someone press the button" Roc said. "Finally someone who understands what I mean" I said pressing the button. Roc started laughing and so did I while Vanessa and Zanna were shocked. "Zanna I think you talked too soon" I said looking at her. "Maybe" she said snapping out of her daze. "Hi Princeton" Zanna said smiling at him. "Hi" he said smiling back awkwardly. The bell ding and the elevator stopped. The doors opened and everyone got off of the elevator. "Well nice meeting you all" Prodigy said waving bye. "You too" Zanna said smiling. We started walking towards the exit of the hotel and so was MB. The door man pushed the door open and we all walked out and started going down the stairs. "So where are we going for lunch" I asked. "Who cares, question is where is MB going" Zanna said watching them get into the Escalade. "Let's get a damn taxi then" Luna said. "Am I the only one who doesn't care where they go" Vanessa said more than asking. I hailed a taxi and he pulled over rolling the window down. "Where to" he asked. "King Buffet" I said. "Alright get in" he said and I pulled the door handle. "HELLO! LETS GO" I yelled to the other two discussing what they want to do to MB. Vanessa dragged them to the taxi. I got in the back with Luna and Zanna. Vanessa took the passenger seat and the taxi driver drove off.

-Vanessa POV-

We pulled up to King Buffet finally. We spilt the money up for the taxi bill and got out. "FOOODDD" Tiffany yelled sprinting to the restaurant. She ran into the open door and bumped into some boy. We finally made it in there and stopped to wait for Tiff. "Sorry" she said and the boy turned around. "You know if I didn't know any better, I say you were following us" Prodigy said smiling at her. "Boy please ain't anyone following you" she said walking around him and following the lady to the booth. "Excuse her" I said to him and he nodded smiling. I walked over to the booth and sat down next to Luna. "So we see someone has a little crush for Prod" Zanna said. "Who" I asked confused. "YOU" they all chorused and the waiter came over. "Um sorry what would you all like to drink" the waiter asked. "I'll like a sprite" I said. "I'm fine with water" Tiffany said. "Orange soda for me" Luna said. "And uh can I have sprite too" Zanna asked and the waiter wrote it down. "Alright I'll be right back" he said turning and walking around. "Any who I do not have a crush on Prodigy. He's cute yeah but I don't know he is famous" I said shrugging. "So are Prince, Roc, and Ray. That doesn't mean anything" Luna said rolling her eyes. "Here we are" the waiter said placing each of our drinks in front of us. "Whenever you all are ready you can go get food" he said walking away. "Well I'm out" Tiffany said getting up for her food. "I'm surprise she's not fat yet" Zanna said. We laughed following her lead. I walked over to the food looking over all of it. I picked up a plate and then the thing to pick up some French fries. I put a lot of fries on my plate and placed the thing back down. I walked over to the fried chicken and reached for the thing but so was someone else. Me and Prod looked up at each other and smiled. "I believe I was going for it first" I said. "Whatever you say" he said placing his right hand up in defense. I chuckled and started placing the chicken on my plate. I didn't want to seem fat in front of Prod but its fried chicken for crying out loud. "Hey I want some of my favorite food you know" he said taking the thing out of my hand. "Oh right" I said smiling awkwardly and walking around him. I went on looking for some pizza or something and I think he was following me. "So we're staying at the same hotel" he said once catching up to me. "Yup" I replied back picking up a slice of pizza. I put the thing back and looked at him waiting for him to say something else. "I never got your name by the way" he said. "Vanessa" I said extending my right hand toward him. He switched his plate of food to his left and shook my hand. "I'm Prod but you already know that" he said smiling. I pulled my hand back and shook my head yeah. "Well later" I said walking away. "See you around" he said biting his lip and I turned around flashing him a smile. I walked back to my booth and slid all the way waiting for everyone else. I ate my food at that very moment with a smile.

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