Day 2: Pt.2

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-Back to Tiffany-

                                                                          *Later that Day*

It’s 6:00 O’clock on the dot right now and we just got done watching four movies. “Alright I’m bored now” I said and then there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it” Zanna said walking over to the door. “Its Ray Ray” she said looking back and shrugging. “Well answer” Luna said bouncing over to the door. Zanna opened the door and Ray Ray eased himself in with the rest of the boys. “Well yes you may come in” Vanessa said looking at them. Zanna locked the door and walked back to the couch with Luna. “Y’all wanna come skate with us” Prodigy asked. “I do only because I used to skate” I said standing up. “I’ll go just for the heck of it” Vanessa said standing up. “What about y’all” Princeton asked. “I guess I’ll come” Zanna said. “Luna” Roc said pulling her up with his right hand. “No I wanna stay here” she said trying to sit back down. “I’ll carry you down” he offered. “Okay then” she said smiling. “Here Tiff hold this” Roc said throwing me his skateboard. I caught it and Luna jumped on his back. “Someone get the door” Roc said. Eventually we left and went into the empty parking lot of the hotel. Walter and Keisha are here to watch us so we won’t do anything. I’m currently walking with Ray Ray and I handed him Roc’s skateboard. Roc came over to us and asked for his skate board. “I’m gonna teach Luna how to skateboard” he said running back to her. I looked over at Vanessa and Prodigy, Princeton and Zanna, then Roc and Luna. “So what you wanna do” Ray asked. “I guess I’m gonna watch them” I said looking at Ray Ray and shrugging. “I’m gonna go skate, you’ll be aight by yourself right” he asked. “That’s sweet but yeah I think I’ll survive” I said making both of us laugh. “Aight” he said skating away. I walked over to a rock and sat on it pulling out my phone. I unlocked it and clicked on the browser going onto Facebook. I was going through my newsfeed and got bored so I got off of the book. I clicked on the music icon and took my headphones out. I put them into my phone and clicked on Bad remix. I started nodding my head to the song and singing along with it lowly. I looked up and started watching everyone skateboard. Roc had his hands on Luna’s hips guiding her around a little place in the parking lot. I felt a little jealousy rise up inside of me for some reason and I don’t even know if the boy like me! I turned the volume up on my phone and I couldn’t hear a damn thing. I looked over at Prodigy trying to help Vanessa stay on the board. They were laughing so hard and they really would make a cute couple. Princeton was on his skateboard riding away as Zanna chased after him. I was too busy looking at everyone to realize that Ray Ray sat next to me. He tapped my shoulder and I pulled out my right earphone. “Hey” I said looking at him smiling. “Hi can I listen” he said. I gave him the ear phone I took out and he put it in his left ear. He put his feet on the skateboard and started jamming out to Power Trip with me. I turned the volume down to a normal volume and he looked at me funny. “What” I asked feeling awkward. “Why did you turn it down” he asked. “In case one of us had something to say. I don’t wanna keep taking the earphone out” I finished. Ray Ray nodded his head and started singing the song. “Join me” he asked and I nodded. “Went and found a man, but I’m hopin’ you alone now. Can’t help but feel like I dropped the ball, cliché. I used to pop up on you at the mall each day now typically I kick game like Eastbay” we rapped together. “I’ll be back” Ray said taking the headphone out and getting up. “Okay” I said looking up and squinting my eyes. He turned his skateboard and skated away. I put my earphone back in and listened to the rest of the song still nodding my head. Someone popped up in front of me which caused me to look up. It was Roc smiling down at me and I rolled my eyes at him, going back to my music. He pulled my headphones out and looked at me waiting for a response. “What I do” he asked sitting next to me. I unlocked my phone and stopped the music and then locked my phone again. “Nothing” I said turning to look at him. “So why did you roll your eyes at me” he asked looking me in my eyes. “No reason Chresanto” I said and his eyes went wide. “If you think I’m the type of guy who will chase after you, you’re wrong. I refuse to chase after stuck up people, see I can be like that but apparently I’m not” Roc said standing up. I stood up with him looking him in his eyes. “Look here Chresanto I’m not stuck up. I had a crush on you and Princeton before I actually got to chill with y’all. I’ve been down since the very first album and continuing. Every person gets jealous over someone or something! So you can go ahead and think whatever the fuck you want goodbye!” I yelled the last part and caused everyone to stop what they were doing to look over at us. I shoved him out of my way a little and kept it pushing towards the building dispite everyone calling my name.

 -Luna POV-

“What do you think that was about” I asked Ray Ray. “I guess she told him how she felt. But I don’t know how she expect someone who barely know her to like her” he said. “What’s that suppose to mean” I asked turning to look him in his eyes. “I’m just saying he’s not going to up and date her out of no where” he replied getting on his skateboard. “So you saying he’ll keep talking to her but won’t date her” I asked. “I don’t know Luna its up to him but lets get back to skating” he said. I shook my head “Follow me” Ray called back riding away. “That ain’t right” I yelled behind him. “WHATEVER JUST COME GET ME” he screamed almost falling over on his face. I had to stop and laugh before going after him again.

-Vanessa POV-

I got off the skateboard and sat on it along with Prodigy. “Well that was fun” he said smiling. “Yeah it was” I said looking at him. He stood up and Ray came over with Luna. Then Prineton, Zanna, and Roc walked over. “So what we gonna do now” Princeton asked. “Let’s dance and y’all watch” Ray said. We sat on each of the boys skatboard and Roc just left his there. “Wait let me record this” Walter said and I already had my phone out to do the same. “Aight come on” Walter said and I pressed  the record button. Prodigy started brake dancing while Ray Ray was krumping in the back. Pricneton started talking to the camera and Roc was dancing like Prodigy. After three minutes Walter called cut and I stopped the recording. Keisha was clapping along with the rest of us. “Its six thrity and I’m hungry” Princeton said. “For real” Luna said. “Lets go inside” Keisha said. We got up handing the boys back their skateboards walking towards the building.

-Zanna POV-

We got off the elevator and everyone slowly started walking away. “So I’ll see you tomorrow” Princeton asked looking me in my eyes. “Maybe” I replied as I looked around the hall to see everyoen gone. “Maybe? You know damn well you wanna see me” he said and I laughed. “Yeah I’m gonna see you tomorrow boy” I said rolling my eyes and smiling. “Aight remember to spread the peace” he said throwing his deuces up. “Prince” I said catching his attention. “Wassup” he asked jogging back over to me. I tip toed a little and pecked his right cheek. “My turn” he aid smiling and he pecked me back. I smiled and turned walking away. “Later” I said swiping my key in the door thing. I pushed the door open walking inside. “So Tiffany what was that about” I asked sitting next to her on the couch. “I guess I had to tell him how I felt. And can you believe he called me stuck up? How the fuck am I stuck up when I’m not conceited or arrogant?” She asked me. “I don’t think your conceited but sometimes you do only think about yourself” I confessed and her eyes went big. She turned to fully look at me and tilted her head to the right. “I only think about myself” she said kind of loud. “I’m always there for one of you guys. I’m always listening to people’s problems and trying to solve them. I put everyone else before me but yet I’m arrogant?” She asked sitting normally but upset. Vanessa and Luna walked out of there rooms looking at us. “What’s going on here” Luna asked. “Tiffany is upset because I told her she only thinks about herself” I said shrugging. “That’s not entirely true” Luna said. “Thank you” Tiffany said standing up. “But I agree with Zanna sometimes you can be self centered” Vanessa said. She stormed away into her room and slammed the door. “YOU CAN’T BLAME ME FOR BEING HONEST” I screamed. “WHATEVER” she screamed back and I shrugged. “Well night guys” I said walking into my room and slamming the door behind me.

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