The Past: Day 4

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-Back to Tiffany-

 It is 5:30AM right now and I just finish putting on my undergarments, and applying lotion. I already had my clothes laid out on my bed and I sat on the bed next to my clothes. Normally I would be asleep right now but I can’t stop thinking about that kiss me and Roc had a few hours ago. For some reasons now I wanna kiss Princeton. I stood up taking my shorts with me. I unbuttoned my shorts and slid my legs in them, pulling them up and then buttoning them. I leaned over grabbing my crop top and standing back up. I put my top on and walked over to the bed plopping down on it. I picked up my socks and quickly put them on. I picked up my left Dr Marten and slid my foot in, adjusting the laces and doing the same for the right foot. I picked up my cardigan and quickly put that on too. I stood up and walked over to my dressers to do my hair and apply my makeup. After doing my hair and make up I put on my accessories. I picked up my sunglasses and put them on even though I wasn’t going outside anytime soon. I unlocked my phone and went by the window because the sun was rising. I sat on the window sill clicking on the camera. I turned the phone around and took a picture of myself. I turned the phone around again and looked at the picture. “Perfect” I said to myself. I walked over to my bed and sat down putting my feet up but allowing them to dangle off the bed a little. I locked my phone and sat it on my lap, looking up at the tv which The Suite Life on Deck was on.

 -Luna POV-

                                                            *Four and a half hours later*

I was standing in my room only in my undergarments, looking over which outfit I should put on for today. Its 74 degrees today here in L.A. so I need something decent to where. “Which outfit” I asked myself. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one aw- “I smell food” I said out loud sticking my head out of the door. “Tiff” I called out. “Yeah” she replied. “Your up that’s a shock” I said coming out of my room. “I’ve been up since five something. I just decided to make some breakfast” she replied. “Since five that’s not like you, wanna tell me wassup” I asked her folding my arms across my chest. “I can’t stop think about Chresanto to be honest” she replied smiling at me. “I think someone has a crush” I replied smiling at her. “I guess but I don’t know if he likes me back and he might not even wanna be in a relationship. Especially with some girl he just met and barely knows” she said and I unfolded my arms. “You don’t know that and plus it is his decision” I told her as she shrugged. “What about you and Rayan also why are you only in your bra and panties” she asked me giggling and I giggled with her. “Because I smelled food but I don’t know, what about him” I asked. “I think he likes you and you guys make a cute couple” she said and I shrugged. “Come over here for a sec” I told her and she walked from behind the counter. “Okay! We have a bad ass over here. I was wondering why you had shades on inside” I said as we laughed. “Bye girl go get your naked self dressed” she said going back over to the stove. “Save me some food” I said walking back into my room. “Okay” she called back as I was closing the door behind me. I walked over to the bed again trying to decide which outfit. I took a shirt from the three outfits and put it on. I took the Levi’s jeans and unbuttoned it, quickly putting them on. I pulled the jeans up and then buttoned them back. “Alright what shoes” I asked myself. I grabbed my vans from my third option choice and put those on adjusting the laces. “Alright now to do my hair” I said while walking over to my dresser. I picked up my comb and started combing out my hair. After two minutes I changed the comb for the brush. After another two minutes I picked up the comb and started styling my hair. After five minutes of doing my hair it just stayed wavy, so I put the comb down. I put on some accessories and looked at myself one last time. I picked up my phone and walked over to the door, I grabbed the knob twisting the door open. I walked out and stopped because I heard Tiffany singing She Ain’t You by Chris Brown. But she was singing the song in her version and it was pretty dope. “You make it hard for me to see somebody else I’m calling him your name, yes, messed up. ‘Cause I’m thinking about you, it’s your fault, babe. I never wanted us to brake up, no, not this way. But you don’t understand it, boy” I walked over to her and she immediately stopped singing. “Why’d you stop singing” I asked her. “Um I don’t sing in front of people” she replied. “Aren’t you on your church choir” I asked her cocking my right eye brow. “That’s different” she replied rolling her eyes. “How” I asked putting my eye brow back down and looking her in her face. “Because I’m not by myself then” she replied handing me my plate. “Oh and thanks” I said taking my plate and sitting down around the counter. “Pass me a fork please” I said and he gave me a fork. “Thanks” I said. “Mhm you welcome” she said coming to sit with me and eating.

-Zanna POV-

I walked out of my room pulling the door close behind me. “Morning guys” I said looking up and walking over to them. “Morning” they said back. “Did y’all save me some breakfast too” I asked leaning my left arm on the counter. “Yeah I made everybody breakfast” Tiffany said looking at me through her shades. “Why the hell you wearing sunglasses inside” I asked going behind the counter. She turned her head looking at me and she took them off. “Better” she said more thank asking. “Very much better” I replied smiling. “What y’all wanna do today” Luna asked. “Let’s go shopping” Tiffany suggested and we both shook our heads no. “So I guess today is another day spent with MB” I said. “If they come but then again, we can go over there but I prefer not to” Luna said. “What we gonna play today” Tiffany asked handing me her dirty dishes. “What you giving me these for and it doesn’t matter to me” I said. “So you can wash them please” she said and Luna handed me her plate also. “In the mean while I guess we can all go sit on the couch, sofa, pull out bed thing and watch TV or movies” Tiffany said putting her head on her left hand. “I agree with Tiff” Luna said. “Yeah me too” I said washing the dishes.

 -Vanessa POV-

Everyone is currently sitting on the pull out couch bed thing sitting or laying all randomly. I’m slouching in my normal spot close to the door, Tiffany is on the far end by the window, before her is Luna who has her head on Tiffany lap, and Zanna who is sitting slouching next to me. “I’m bored already and it’s only been an hour” Tiffany said. “Wait what time is it because I feel like I’ve been lying down for ages” Luna said. “Its eleven on the dot” Zanna said. “Lets dance or something like I’m so damn bored” I said standing up. “Play Drop It by Chris Brown” Tiffany said after I set up my phone to the music system. “K hold on” I replied looking through my music list. “No play Crooked Smile by J. Cole” Zanna said. “No play House Party by M.B.” Luna said. “We’ll go in order how about that” I said pressing Drop It and turning the volume up. Everyone stood up waiting for the hook to come on. “Don’t let ‘em fade out, the club, I’m… So many girls in the club I’m throwin a hundred” I sang with Chris. “I don’t need a good girl, I want a bad woman. Who can pick it up and drop that ass for me” Tiffany sang after me. “Drop that ass for me (6x) that’s me hurtin you. Girl, go on, just drop that ass for me” we all sang together. 

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