Day 4: Pt.2

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-Zanna POV-

                                                                             *Later that Day*

Its 5:30 in the afternoon now and Tiffany cake just arrived. I think she believes we’ve forgotten about her birthday. She’s in her room talking to someone but I placed her cake down on the counter. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door so I sprint over to open it. I pulled the door open and let the boys in and let the door go, sprinting back over to the cake. “Hi Zanna” Princeton said walking over and hugging me. I hugged him back smiling and we let go of each other. “Where’s everyone else and whose the cake for” Prodigy asked. “Today is Tiff birthday and she thinks we don’t remember. Everyone is their rooms” I replied. “Oh today my baby birthday I’m gonna go check on her” Roc said leaving us. “Wassup Zanna” Ray asked sitting down around the counter. “Nothing just trying to prepare this cake” I said adjusting the candles. “I’m gonna go wish her a happy birthday” Prince said walking away but I grabbed him. “No it’s a surprise” I said and he gave a look so I let go of him. “Alright I guess I’ll wait then” he replied going to sit with Ray. “Thank you and me it lit when we surprise her. “Don’t be a bunch of lames even though y’all her” I said jokingly. “Girl UOENO” Ray yelled jokingly. “Yeah what he said” Prince said and I just laughed with them.

-Back to Tiffany-

I was talking to my family over Skype again and Roc walked into the room. “I’ll talk to you guys later aight” I said ending the Skype. I exited going back to my home screen on my phone and locked my phone. “Hey” I said smiling a little. He pushed the door close and walked over to me standing in front of me. “Hi” he said in a low voice smiling down at me. “Why you smiling at me like a creep” I asked and we both laughed. “You look nice to pretty girl” he said and I rolled my eyes. “Yeah okay” I replied. “Seriously though” he said. “Thank you” I said and he bent down so his forehead was touching mines. “Are you gonna kiss me” I asked looking him in his eyes. “Only if you want me to” he said and I put my lips on his. Our lips moved in sync and I was smiling through the whole thing. He pulled up and sat in my spot not breaking the kiss, and sat me on his lap. We pulled away and were both smiling at each other. “What was that for” I asked him. “Well I know your leaving tomorrow and I know what today is” he replied smirking. “My birthday” I said. He nodded his head pecking my lips. “You got to stop doing that” I said. “Why you fronting like you don’t like it” he asked. “I never said I didn’t like it” I told him smiling. “I wanna give you something” he said. “I’m not taking anything Roc. You want your fans to kill me or something” I asked with my eyeballs wide. “No, plus it’s my necklace for you to remember me while I’m gone” he said putting it around my neck. “While you’re gone, how you know I’m gonna see you again” I asked narrowing my eyes at him. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about” he said picking me up off his lap. “Look Tiff I like you and all but so do Prince. I know I just met you and all that but I want you to be my girl” he said and I stood there shocked. “See I knew I should have never said nothing” he replied turning to walk away. “No wait Chresanto I’m just shocked. I always had a thing for you before you knew I even existed. I liked Prince yeah but I like you more if you haven’t realize, also I think Prince has more of a thing of Zanna” I completed laughing because of facial expression. He looked so relieved as he walked over to me grabbing my waist. The door open and I see some curls coming into the room. “Um Zanna wants you to come out” Princeton said. “Okay I’ll be there in a moment” I said. “Can I talk to you for a sec also Tiff” he said. “Uh we were kind of in the middle of something” Roc said turning to look at Prince. “It’ll only be a sec Roc now dip” he said walking over to us. “We’ll finish later Roc I promise” I said as he walked out of the room slamming the door, causing me to jump into Jacob’s arms. “You okay there” he said holding me and laughing. “Yeah I think I’ll survive” I said smiling. We looked into each other eyes and his lips were coming towards mine but for some reason I couldn’t pull away. Our lips touched and we started but it felt sort of wrong. Don’t get me wrong I still have a thing for the boy but I want Chresanto. We pulled away after seven seconds and looked at each other. We started laughing loudly and separated from each other. “Sorry I had to see if we were feeling the same thing” he said blushing. “Don’t be sorry and yeah I feel you” I said. Roc walked back into the room looking at us “Come on” he said. We walked over to the door walking out of my room. “Why is it so damn dark” I said and felt someone grab my hand. “SURPRISE” I heard everyone yell and looked down to see Roc holding my hand. I looked up to see Zanna walking towards me with a cake. “Is that mines” I asked. “Well duh today is your birthday” Ray said and Prod nudge him. “I mean happy birthday” Ray said rubbing his arm. “Blow out your candles” Prod said. I bent down and closed my eyes making a wish, then blowing the candles out. Everyone started cheering and I was smiling a kool aid smile. “Yes girl show them braces” Luna said. I turned my head and I guess Roc got the hint because he pecked my lips. “So does that mean your mines now” he asked after we pulled away. “Yup” I replied walking over to the counter where the cake is now.

 -Vanessa POV-

 Aw Roc and Tiffany finally got together and they’re so cute. I was just getting into my thoughts when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I snapped out of it and turned around to see Prodigy. “Wassup Craig” I asked and he took my hand pulling me over to a corner. “So wassup’ he asked. “I believe I asked you that earlier” I said giggling. “True but I mean between us” he said. “That’s what I was wondering” I replied. Next thing I know he grabbed my chin and we started French kissing. Now this was fantastic I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was laughing so hard in my head. After a while we pulled apart and I was smiling and he started laughing. “So your mines now” he said and I nodded. “Alright happy people bring y’all asses over here for some cake” Prince said waving us over. We walked over there and picked up some cake and a fork.

-Luna POV-

 “Alright I have an announcement to make” Ray said and it got so quiet. “Luna come here” Ray said waving me over. “Why” I asked leaning on the counter. “Girl bring your ass over here it might make you happy” Tiffany said. I stood up and walked over to the other side of the counter, standing in front of Ray. “You wanna go out” he asked handing me a flower. I looked over at Tiffany and Roc was hugging her from behind, resting his head on her right shoulder. I looked over at Vanessa with Prod who was starring over at us. I looked at Ray again shaking my head yes. I took the flower from his hand kissed his cheek. “That’s all he gets” Prince said. Everyone laughed and I started leaning in for his lips. Our lips touched and we pulled apart “Alright that’s all for now folks. Y’all too young to see all this” Ray said. “Boy shut the hell up with your west side connection toes” Roc said and everyone started dying. “Don’t talk to my boyfriend like that” I said to Roc after catching my breath. “Wait what about Prince and Zanna” Vanessa asked. “We started dating last night” Zanna said kissing Prince. “When did you plan on telling us” Tiffany asked. “Um when y’all found out on y’all own” Princeton said sticking his tongue out at us. “Well let’s party” Tiffany said and Vanessa started playing Red nose. Everyone started grinding on their mon and it was just too lit!

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