What Now?

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-Zanna POV-

It is 10:00 right now and all I wanna do is sleep for some odd reason. "Get out the car Zay" I heard Prince say. "Bye guys" I said hugging everyone and getting out of the car. Prince already had my bags and we were both waving goodbye as the cars pulled off. "Ready to meet my family again" he asked as we walked over to the house. "Yeah mostly to see Noah though" I admitted as he opened the door. "He's probably asleep by now" he said as we walked inside of the house. "Jacob" his mom said walking over to the door. "Hi mom, Zanna is here with me" he said and she appeared. "Hola sweetie" she said hugging me and I hugged her back. "Hello" I said shyly. She went and started hugging Jacob and kissing him all over, I stood laughing silently and smiling. "I love you too ma" he said pulling away and fixing his hair. "Hi Beans" I said bending down to pet him. He stood up trying to lick my face and I let him. "How was your day" I asked talking to him as if he was human. He barked at me and started wagging his tail. "Um so I'm gonna take your stuff to my room" Prince said walking behind his mom. "Okay" I said still playing with Beans. I was about to rub his stomach when I heard Noah, I stood up and started walking away and Beans was following behind me. Noah was playing with his toys in the corner and he looked up at me. "Hi Noah" I said smiling and walking over to him. I bent down to his level as he stood up. "Can I have a hug" I asked and he walked over to me hugging me. I picked him up and sat on the couch next to Prince mom. "What did you do today" I asked Noah and he started making noises. He got out of my arms and went to his aunt and I started pouting. Prince mom looked at me and started laughing, I seen Prince come back out of his room and sit on the couch with us. He pecked my cheek and I blushed while his mom kept starring at us. "You two are adorable" she said smiling. "Thanks" we both said. "Noah doesn't love me anymore" I told Prince and he started laughing. "I think he does" he said and I felt knowing climbing on me. "Hi" I said smiling looking back at Noah. He kissed my cheek and went back to his aunt. "Aw" they both cooed and I smiled happy. I looked up at the clock -10:10. "Lets go clean up" Prince said pulling me. "Night ma" he said. "Good night" I said smiling back at her. "Night you two" she said putting Noah back by his toys. We walked in the room and Prince pulled me on top of him as we landed on his bed. He held my waist and I looked down at him smiling. "I thought we were gonna get cleaned up" I said. "Yeah we are eventually" he said leaning up to kiss me. I bent down some more as our lips touched and we started French kissing.

-Luna POV-

We finally made it inside of Ray's house. Prod and Nessa are with us but they're in the guest bedroom. "Ugh I'm so tired" I said plopping back against the pillows. "Me too I'm gonna go shower" Ray said leaving the room. "Okay" I said closing my eyes. No longer than two minutes later Vanessa walked into the room. "Hi Lulu" she said walking over to the bed. "Hi" I said opening my eyes. "Where's Rayan" she asked. "Taking a shower" I told her. "The concert was fun" she said. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" I said trying to keep my eyes open. "Tired already? Its barely mindnight" she said leaning against the bed. "Girl go back to Craig and go to sleep" I said and she laughed walking over to the door. "Goodnight grumpy" she said laughing. "Night" I said rolling over on my left side when I heard the door close. 20 minutes later the door open again and I rolled over on my back to see Ray with his towel wrapped around his bottom half. Now that caught my attention and I was wide awake. I was already changed into my pjs and Ray caught me looking at him. "Like what you see" he asked smirking. I licked my lips ignoring his comment. He walked over to me and pushed me back on the bed. He got on top of me and looked down into my eyes. "Well what you waiting for" I asked and he started chuckling, while I looked at him with the straighest face. He leaned down and we started kissing and I started running my fingers through his hair. He started kissing my neck and I moaned out. Then he stopped and got off of me "We can't do anything while my mom is home" he said now getting dress. I turned around and my face landed in the mattress, I let out a loud muffled screamed. I heard Ray laugh as I got up and got under the covers. I lied down on the pillow and watch Ray get dress. When he was done he turned the lights off and got under the covers with me. He pulled me close to him and turned the TV on, I got comfortable on him and closed my eyes. 

-Tiffany POV-

Its 10:35 PM Chres and I are outside sitting on the steps. "You don't wanna go to sleep" I asked looking at him. "Naw I'm good" he said. "My PJs all getting dirty" I said. "You'll survive" he said and I pushed him gently and he started smiling. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my head on his left shoulder. "The sky is pretty out here" I said. "Yeah but not as pretty as you" he said smiling. "You are so corny but thanks" I said and we both laughed. Little did we know that his mom was watching us the whole entire time. "Ya know I like hanging out with your family" I admitted. "Why" he asked. "Because Chres, I think their cool and fun to be around" I said picking my head up to look at him. "Your family is odd and they got problems" he said with a serious face and I got offended. "Babe I'm joking with you, I love your family" he said and I shook my head at him. "I can't stand you sometimes I swear" I said smacking him upside his head. "Ouch" he siad rubbing the back of his head. "Love you" I said getting up. Once I turned around I jumped back and nearly fell down the stairs, good thing Chres was there to catch me. "I'm sorry hun I didn't mean to scare you" his mom said coming over to me. "Um its okay" I said removing my hand from my chest. "You was spying on us huh ma" Chres asked. "No, I was just checking up all y'all" she said. We walked inside of the house and she closed the door. "Night mom" Chres said as we walked into the room. "Night ma'am" I said as he closed the door. "Now for smacking me upside the head" he said tickling me. "No! Not again!" I yelled squirming, trying to get out of his hold. "Just say sorry and that you love me and this will be over" he said. "Sorry Chresanto and I love you" I yelled and the tickling stopped. "Good" he said smacking my butt hard. "Ouch" I said rubbing it and getting under the blanket. Once we were settled I turned over on my left side and my back was facing him. "I don't wanna look at the back of your head" he said. "Oh well" I said closing my eyes. I felt him get closer to me and throw his right arm around my waist. "Night babe, I love you" he said. "Night Chres and I love you too" I said before I was knocked. 

-Vanessa POV-

Prod and I are currently having a pillow fight and I'm enjoying myself. Then, Ray's mom walked into the room and we stopped. "Guys I know y'all are having fun but I have work in the morning. Can you wait until tomorrow" she asked. "Sorry" we both said. "'Its alright, goodnight y'all" she said walking out and closing the door again. "So I won" Prod said as we sat on the bed against the pillows. "No you didn't" I said looking at him. "I hit you on the side of the head before Ray's mom walked in" he said turning the TV on. "Then, I threw my pillow at you! So no you didn't win" I told him. "Whatever makes my girl happy" he said pecking my lips. "No Craig you know I won" I said wanting him to say it. He shook his head at me and was just looking at me to say something. "Admit it" I said. "Baby you won the pillow fight" he said and I smirked. "Thank you" I said and he nodded. He threw his left arm around my shoulder as we cuddled watching TV.

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