The Past: Switch

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Zanna POV-

We just got off the elevator and everyone is conversating. “Can we go change and meet you back in your room” I suggested. “Sounds good to me” Princeton said. “See y’all in a few” Walter said walking away with the boys. I swiped the key into the door and pushed the door open. I ran into the living room and then into my room. I pushed the door close and heard the others talking, but I didn’t care about it in the moment. I untied the knot of my swimsuit and pulled it down. Now I was standing naked in my room. My suitcase was already open from earlier when I was picking out my swimsuit. I walked over to my bed and then the suitcase and pulled out some undergarments. I quickly put them on and went on the hunt for something decent to where. I looked up at the clock first for the time- 3:00. “Its only three o’clock” I said to myself. I pulled out a blue pair of skinny jeans and climbed off the bed. I slid my legs into them and jumped up and down to get them to my waist. I buttoned my jeans and pulled out the shirt that I had folded with the jeans. I slid it over my head and looked in my suitcase for some shoes. I grabbed my black flats and stood back up. I put them on the floor sticking my feet into them. I walked around my bed and pulled out my Jack Wills cardigan. I put it on and then closed my suitcase, pulling it off the bed. It landed on the floor with a thud and I kicked it under thed bed. I reached over the bed and grabbed my phone clicking the button that locks and unlocks my phone. I looked at the time- 3:05PM. I stuck my phone in my back pocket and walked over to the night stand where I left my hair stuff. I picked them up and walked over to the dresser placing them on it. I picked up the comb and combed my hair back. I put that down picking up my brush and brushed my hair back and held it into a ponytail. I grabbed my ponytail holder and put my hair into a bun for now. I looked at myself and nodded. I put the brush down and quickly picked up any accessories and put them on. I walked away from the dresser and to the door. I grabbed the knob twisting it and pulling the door open. I let go walking out of the room and I pulled the door close. I seen everyone sitting on the couch waiting on me. “Dang y’all have powers or some shit” I said more than asking. “No I had already had my clothes ready” Tiffany said getting up.  “Okay” I said with the door open. “I came up with an idea” Vanessa said as we walked to the boys room. “How about we switch boys” she said. “What you mean switch boys” Luna asked. “Like I get Roc and Tiffany gets Prodigy. Luna you get Princeton and Zanna you get Ray Ray” she completed. “For what” I asked her as we approached. “To see who we fit uh duh” she said knocking on the door. We all mumbled an okay even though this idea seemed so stupid but whatever. Walter opened the door “Hey y’all” he said letting us in. “Hey” we chroused. He locked the door and the boys greeted us. Princeton came over and hugged me “Glad you made it” he said pulling me away. “I guess we’ll do it later” I said looking back at the girls and they gave me a thumps up. “Do what later? I’m watching y’all” Walter said looking at me with eyebrows up and everyone laughed.

-Back to Tiffany-

Roc and I went back to his room that he’s sharing with Ray. Its only us  for now and were laying on his bed with the tv on. Gravity falls is currently playing in the background. He’s laying aginst the pillows and I’m sitting at the foot of the bed. “You had fun at the pool” he asked braking the silence. “Yeah but it would have been nice if you would of never threw me in” I said smiling and rolling my eyes at him playfully. “Keep rolling your eyes they gonna get stuck” he said fake rolling his eyes. “I’m leaving” I said getting up but he got up and grabbed me and pulled me back down on the bed. “You play all day don’t you” he said a little close to my face. “Maybe” I said. He was coming in to kiss me but I backed up. “Sorry” he said. “It aight” I replied pushing him to the pillows again. I followed him to the pillows plopping against them laying next to him. He wrapped his arms around the pillows and I scooted closer to him and he put his leg up. His right arm landed on my shoulder and he looked down at me and I looked up at him. I pecked his cheek and smiled. “That’s all I get” he asked. “Don’t push it” as soon as I said that Walter busted into the room. “Don’t push what” he said looking crazy. Me and Roc laughed at him as he looked at us. “We aren’t doing anything” I said and he nodded walking out and closing the door behind him. “Is he always like that” I asked. “Sometimes” Roc replied. “Hm” I said back. “Well tell me about that tattoo” Roc said. “I got this on my fifteen birthday last year” I told him. “Did it hurt” he asked. “Hell yeah that shit hurted” I said laughing. “Well tell me about it and tell me about yourself while you at it” he said. “Aight just don’t fall asleep” I said and he laughed at my corny joke. “I won’t” he said.

-Vanessa POV-

“Why are you under the covers” I asked Prod as he stuck his head out. “Because girl I’m tired” he said showing me his face and he truly did look tired. “Well I guess I’ll le-” I got cut off. “No! I mean just stay I won’t fall asleep” he said. “You promise” I asked. “Yeah” he replied yawning. “Can you at least sit up so I know you won’t” I asked looking in his eyes. He gave the ‘Bitch are you crazy’ look before sitting up. “Thank you” I said then Luna walked into the room. “Switch time” she said and I nodded. “What she mean switch time” Prodigy and Princeton both asked. “We all hang out with a different boy until we talked to all indivdually” she said expanding the truth. “Oh okay” Princeton said as I linked my arm with his. “Bye Vanessa” Prodigy said. “Not bye but see you soon” I said and he smiled. “So wassup” I asked Princeton once we got into the kitchen area. “Nothing much just chilling” he said sitting on top of the counter. “Oh” I said. “You like being here now” he asked. “It hasn’t been a day yet Prince” I said and we both laughed. “Oh right” he said and then it went slient. “Why is it so awkward all of a sudden” I said out loud by mistake. “Sorry” Princeton said with a confused look on his face. “I didn’t’ mean to ask that out loud” I said. “So tell me about yourself because we both know I can talk for hours” he said making me laugh. He pated a spot on the counter next to him and I jumped up there. “Are you sure because I wouldn’t want to bore you to death” I said and he chuckled. “If you start getting boring I’ll let you know” he said. “Bold are we” I asked fake shocked and we erupted into laughter. “Alright come on” he said bumping his right shoulder into my left. “Alright well it all started on-”

-Luna POV-

Me and Prod are just sitting on his bed watching the TV. “So are you excited for the tour” I asked. “Yeah but its nice having a brake” Prod said still watching TV. “Do you normally room with Prince” I asked. “Yeah it be funny though” he said laughing. “Tell me one funny thing that’s happened then” I said now turning to face him. “Aight so one time I was wide awake and it was like midnight. Prince was knocked snoring down the room and I guess Walter heard because he walked in. So he was shaking Prince to wake him up but instead he rolled over. He kept rolling and Walter tried to catch him before he fell off the bed but he landed with a loud thud. The funny part is he rolled over his back and kept sleeping” Prodigy finished as we laughed. “You should of put it on Keek” I said. “I ain’t know it was gonna happen though” he said looking me in my eyes. “Its nice talking to you because sometimes your so quiet” I said. “You just gotta get to know me I guess” he said shrugging. “I guess but when you get to know me I’m fun and awkward” I said shrugging and looking away. “I guess that’s cool too you know be Mindless in your own way” he said and I looked back at him smiling. “What y’all have planned for tomorrow” I asked. “Studio for a bit and then rehersal at four” he said. “Cool enjoy it and don’t damage that beautiful voice of yours” I said and Prodigy started laughing. “I won’t” he said after he caught his breath. Zanna walked into the room and was standing there not saying anything. “Wassup” I asked. “Its time for another switch” she said. “Alright later Prod” I said getting up and walking towards the door. “Later Luna” he said waving bye at me. I walked into the living room area and turned my head to the right to see Vanessa and Prince on the counter. “Hey guys” I said walking over to them. “Hey” they both said. “Its time for another switch” I said. “Already” Vanessa asked and I shook my head yes. “Alright well later and it was nice talking to you” Princeton said as they hugged. Vanessa left to go talk to Roc. “Hi you” Princeton said hugging me and I hugged him back smiling. “Where you wanna go talk” he asked after we let go of each other. “The balcony” I suggested and he nodded as walked over to the balcony.

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