Switch Pt. 2

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-Vanessa POV-

I walked into the room Roc is sharing with Ray and seen him sitting on his bed. He’s too busy into his phone to realize that I’m in the room. “Roc” I called out to him and his head shot up. “Oh wassup” he said waving me over. I walked over to the bed and sat by the foot of the bed. “Wassup with you” I asked. “Nothing I’m texting my moms” he replied. “Oh cool” I said pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I unlocked it and clicked on the internet. “So what you wanna do” he asked looking up at me. “What you mean what I wanna do” I asked. “You wanna play some video gaames, watch TV, what” he said looking at me like I was slow. “Oh let’s go play some video games in the living room” I said. “Aight” Roc said getting up off the bed. I followed behind him into the living room. “Which game you wanna play” he asked bending down and pulling out Wii games. Walter walked into the room with everyone behind him. “There are some fans downstairs go out on the balcony” he instructed. MB walked over to the balcony and the fans started screaming. “Good thing we get to hang out with them” Tiffany said. “Well for today” Walter said. “Yeah I know” Luna said. “They have to go to the studio and then rehersal” Walter said. “They’re allowed to hang out with anyone they want” he continued. “Oh” I said. I put Just Dance 4 into the Wii. “Y’all wanna play” Roc asked coming back inside. “Yeah” everyone chroused. “Nah I’m gonna watch for now” Tiffany said standing by the couch since the boys took up all the room. “I’ll play with you” Prodigy said standing up. “I wanna play too” Princeton said standing up too. “Zanna play with us” I said. “I’m good” she said. “Please” Princeton said giving her a sad look. “Fine just for you” she said I fake got offended and everyone laughed. “So y’all lazy people gonna sit on the couch and watch” Zanna said. “You got that right” Roc said placing his legs on top of Tiffany’s. “Boy what this look like” she said throwing his legs off of her. “Shut up with your big forehead” he said and we all laughed as she covered her forehead.

-Zanna POV-

“What song to dance to” I asked. “Do Moves Like Jagger” Tiffany suggested. “Nah do Super Bass” Ray said. “Yeah do Super Bass” Princeton said clicking on the song. We got into position but as soon as the song came on we started doing our own dance moves.

 -Luna POV-

“I’m hungry and I just ate” I said to Ray. “It’s been two hours” he said back to me. “What y’all want to eat then” Walter said coming back into the room. “PIZZA” Tiffany  yelled. “So I’m guessing that’s your favorite food or something” Walter said shaking his head like he lost his hearing. “Girl stop yelling” Roc said with his eyes wide. “Can we please get some pizza” I asked politely. “Sure I’ll go order some” Walter said walking away. “Thank you” we all sang together. “So miss long hair and don’t care wassup” Ray asked Tiffany. This boy don’t see me sitting here – Wait, we don’t even date – YET. “Nothing much just macking” she replied. “Cool cool” Ray said sitting back on the couch. They just finished dancing to Super Bass. “I’m tired” Zanna said sitting on the floor. “Me too” Prince said sitting next to her. Vanessa fake fell on Prodigy and he caught her. He sat on the floor bringing her down with him. “So what we gonna do now” Roc asked. “Let’s take pictures and do Keek’s” I suggested. “Sounds like a plan” Tiffany said. “After we catch our breaths” Zanna said still panting. “We’ll meet y’all in Ray’s and Roc’s room” I said getting up and pulling Ray by his hand along with me.

 -Tiffany POV-

We made it to the room and sat on Ray’s bed so the others can sit on Prince’s bed. “So which first pictures or Keek” I asked. “Pictures” Roc answered pulling out his phone. “Yo Ray take a pic of me and Tiff” he said. Ray jumped over the bed and took Roc’s phone from him. “Say cheese” Ray said holding up the phone. Roc kissed my right cheek and I was making a weird face and I heard the camera click. “Alright Luna get in the picture” Ray said. She sat on the both of us and did the peace sign while Ray laughed taking the picture. “Alright my turn” Ray said handing Roc his phone back. I got up from the bed standing by Roc so I wouldn’t be in their pic. “Alright people smile” Roc said in a bad French accent and we laughed. Ray hugged Luna around the waist and she put her arms around his neck and put her head on his head. Roc snapped the picture and I was smiling. “Aw look at the happy couple” Princeton said walking into the room and they broke apart. Luna was blushing so hard she was as red as a tomato. Ray gave Roc his phone back to him. “We wanna take pictures too” Zanna said pulling her phone out. She unlocked it and gave it to me. She posed and Prince came into the picture putting his fingers behind her head smiling. I gave her phone back to her while Prodigy and Vanessa were taking their own pictures. “Alright can we do the keek now’ Vanessa asked. “Sure” Walter said walking in. “Why do you keep coming out of no where” I asked out loud and covered my mouth. “Because I can do that” he replied taking out his phone. “Alright let’s go do this video” Walter said clapping at us. We all sat on Ray’s bed. I sat in the fron with Roc, Luna, and Ray. Prince, Zanna, Prod, and Vanessa stood in the back. “Alright go” Walter said. “Wassup y’all we are-” Ray said and Mb joined. “Mindless Behavior” they said. “And were here in our hotel room chilling with friends” Ray continued. “Introduce y’all selves” Walter said. “I’m Zanna” she said waving to the camera. “Luna here” she said smiling. “Hey I’m Vanessa” she said. “And I’m Tiffany” I said waving and smiling. “How is Team Mindless doing” Princeton said running in front of the camera. “Y’all doing good right. Oh y’all better be” Prodigy said doing the same as Prince. “Bye y’all enjoy the rest of today” Roc said and the Keek ended. “Alright I’m gonna go check on that pizza” Walter said leaving the room. “That was fun” Zanna said sitting on Roc’s bed now. “Yeah well I’m tired” I said laying down. “No come over to my bed and sleep” Roc said pulling me over to his bed. “For real see y’all later” Zanna said getting up and walking out with Prince. Everyone left except Ray and Luna. I plopped on the bed landing on my back and taking my Vans off. I put my legs on the bed and Roc is now lying down with me. “Don’t you try to do anything” I said looking at Roc seriously. “I won’t” he said smiling. “Mhm” I said rolling over to my left side to face him. 

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