The Need

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---- Stitch's POV ----

"I got the book Sir." I said, handing the book to Sir Herobrine.

"Well done Stitch." he told me, quickly flipping through the pages of the book. "Ah yes, here it is." he said, and looked up from the book, staring right at me with his glowing white eyes.

"I need you to do things for me."

"Like what Sir?" I asked.

----- Seto's POV -----

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my room.

"Oh thank Notch you're awake." I heard someone say. It was Ty. Also known as, Deadlox. What happened? I thought, then remembered.

"The book!" I said out loud, with Ty looking at me weird.

"What book?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"She took the book..." I said quietly. That's not good. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked. Ty shrugged.

"Not sure. A couple days I assume." he told me.


"Well, now that you're awake, I need to talk with you." I nodded, getting out of bed and leading Ty to my secret library. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to talk about. Then I got another feeling.

Like I was being watched.

Ty stepped through the painting as I turned around.

No one was there.

----- Stitch's POV ----

"I will give you an extra power so you can gain information easier." Sir Herobrine said. "The power of shape shifting." There was a flash of bright light, and my whole body felt weird. Like something was soaking into me. "At the moment you can only turn into a bat, but do good and you may get more options."

I quickly flew up to avoid being seen. At the moment I was in bat form, so my job was a lot easier. I watched as the sorcerer slowly turned around and step through the painting.

There were books everywhere, along with plenty of places to hide.

I heard a voice.

"I-I just don't know! It's getting stronger!" someone said with panic in his voice. I shifted back to human form and slowly walked towards the voices.

"What is?" said a calm voice.

I could see their faces now. There was the sorcerer, along with another young man. He was wearing green and black headphones, had brown-red eyes, and brown hair that covered one of his eyes.

"The need... The urge to kill Seto! I can't... help... Stop.... Need..." the one with the headphones said. The sorcerer must be Seto. I thought.

"Calm down Ty." Seto said. Ty was panicking.

"I-I can't stop it Seto! I'm gonna kill everyone! Help please!" He said.

"Calm. Down Ty." Seto said, and Ty calmed by a tiny bit. "You're just telling me things without starting from the begining." he said. "Tell me from the start." Ty nodded.


"Who's Nightshroud?"

"The... The Ender Dragon.." Ty said. Seto nodded, as if telling him to go on. "Nightsroud called me, for something like an experiment. He gave me the ability to turn into Enderlox at anytime." Ty explained.

"Show me." Seto asked. Ty nodded and closed his eyes. Purple and black wings started growing from his back, along with a black, scaly tail

He's the one with the Dragon's Aura.. I thought to myself, making a mental note to tell Sir Herobrine.

"I have to kill to live.." he said. "But the urge comes without any warning." and his wings and tail disappeared.

"So why do you have the urge when you not Enderlox?" Seto asked.

"I don't completely go back to Deadlox.." Ty said, and lifted up the hair that was covering his right eye. I had to hold back a gasp.

His right eye was pitch black, with a purple slit for the pupil. There were black streaks that came down from his eye, looking like tears.

The sorcerer was surprised too, though he didn't show it.

"So that's why.." he said to himself. Ty nodded, and let go of the hair, letting it fall back where it was.

"But I don't know how to control the urge.." Ty told him. "I-I just.." he started to panic again.

"Ty, don't freak out." Seto said.

Ty stared at Seto, slightly tearing up.

"I.... I don't want to kill you.." he said, the tears starting to fall. I noticed the tears that fell from his right eye were black.

Seto stared at Ty with slight understanding. A small smile appeared on his face, and he put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"You'll be fine Ty. No one's gonna die, I can assure you of that." he said with reassurance in his voice.

"I'll tell you what, how about, I enchant your headphones, so you can control yourself." Seto told him, and Ty smiled happily.

"You'd do that?" he asked. Seto nodded. Ty wiped the tears from his eyes, and took off his headphones, handing them over to Seto.

Seto walked over to an enchantment table, and put the headphones on it.

"Prenez cet article, enchanter échéant, de prendre ce point, faire contôler!" he said loudly, slowly waving his hands around. Purple smoke started to appear, and it slowly absorbed into the headphones. The green parts flashed purple, but quickly went back to green.

Seto picked them up and gave them to Ty, who was waiting paitently.

He put them on, and smiled.

"I feel better already." Ty said happily, and hugged Seto. "Thank you." he told him, and Seto nodded. "No problem."

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