Hope of Escape

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I had studied just about every book in this library, and I still hadn't found a good spell.

"Have you tried 'Spells of Teleportation'?"

I looked up. It was Stitch. And she had blood on her.

"Why do you have blood on you?" I asked, disturbed and curious at the same time. She stared at me. "Okay then. Don't answer. No, I haven't read that book."

"It might have the spell you're looking for." She told me. I nodded. "Okay." I scanned the shelves, and soon saw 'Spells of Teleportation'.

"Chapter ten." Stitch said, and walked away. I opened the book and flipped to chapter ten. 'Teleporting out of Dimensions' was the title. There were spells for teleporting to the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. No spells for the Ather. I noticed. In order to teleport to another dimension, you need to have some item from that world, and chant the spell.

Do I have anything from the Overworld? I thought.


I was gonna have to ask Stitch. I left the library to try and find her.

I eventually found her. "Stitch!" I said, and she turned to look at me.


"I need something from the Overworld." I told her.

"I don't have anything." She said. "You're gonna have to get something from Sir Herobrine's item room." she pointed down the hall to an open door guarded by two Wither Skeletons.

"Can you help?" I asked, hopeful. She didn't answer for quite some time, but she eventually nodded slowly.

"Yes." she said, and shifted into a bat.

I forgot she could do that. I thought, and watched as she annoyed the Wither Skeletons.

"Darn bat!" One said. "C'mon, lets kill it!" the other said, and started chasing after Stitch.

"Go now!" she yelled and flew away. I quickly ran into the room, and started flipping open chests.

"Anything from the Overworld.." I murmured, and found a block of dirt.

"Perfect!" I said happily as a shadow loomed over me.

"Having fun going through my stuff, are we?" said a voice. I froze.

Herobrine.. I turned around slowly, and saw him staring at me, smiling strangely.

"What are you planning on doing with that dirt?" he asked.

"N-nothing.." I said, holding the small block.

"We'll see about that." Herobrine said, and grabbed my wrist. "You're coming with me." I quickly put the dirt block in a pocket.

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