Back, but Unknown

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I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, and I saw people standing over me. I was laying on the floor, reasons of which I don't know. My vision started to clear, and I noticed the people standing over me were holding bows.

"He's waking up!" I heard someone say.

"Go get Commander Sky!" another commanded. Someone quickly ran off.

"Huh..?" I said, somewhat sleepy. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me up forcefully.

"Who are you?" a voice asked.

Adam. I thought, and looked at him.

"Adam!" I said happily, and he stared at me with an upset look on his face.

"No one but the higher ups call me that." he said. "You will address me as Commander Sky."

He doesn't remember me? I thought.

Oh yeah.. My spirit is still stuck in the Nether. I sighed. Then I realized Adam was talking to me.

"You will look at me when I talk to you!" He said forcfully, and I stared at him. "Bring him to the interrogation room." he ordered, and threw me into the hands of someone else.

"Yes sir." that someone else said, and put me on my feet. I looked at the face of the one speaking to me.

"Jerome!" I said, and he looked at me confused. Then he shook his furry head.

"Whatever, just follow me to the interrogation room." I nodded and followed, dispite me already knowing my way around. Jerome led me to a familar iron door, told me, "Your interrogator will be Mitch." and opened the door. It was an empty room, with a table and two chairs. Mitch was sitting in the chair farthest from me. There was a bow, along with arrows right behind him.

I walked in and sat in the empty chair, the iron door closing behind me.

"Hi." I said to him, and he looked at me suspiciously.

"Hi, my name is Mitch, and I'm gonna ask you a few questions." he said, and stared at me.

"Ask away."

"Who are you?"Mitch asked.

"My name is Seto, and I am a sorcerer." I answered simply. Mitch raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I don't believe you. In the last day or so, Seto was found dead in a cave, presumably poisoned." Mitch argued.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know how I appeared here, but my mission is to-"

"Stop." Mitch interrupted. "You've said enough, I believe I have enough evidence to kill you now." he said, and grabbed the bow from behind him.

I had to do something, before he killed me! I thought quickly.

Mitch aimed an arrow at me, and in the split second he let go of the string, I yelled the first spell that came to mind.

"Noisolpxe!" a strong blast destroyed the room, but I was left unharmed. I looked around. Mitch and Jerome were on the floor, but, thankfully, they were still breathing. I heard footsteps. People were coming! I had to leave quickly.

I yelled, "ENOG!" right as I saw Adam's face.

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