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"Attention all recruits! There has been a huge fire in the nearby city, along with attacks from mobs! All higher ups must attend to the meeting room at once!"

I heard Adam's voice over the speakers.

Higher ups included me, so I quickly got put of bed and rushed to the meeting room.

I got to the room and saw Adam, Jason, and Ty sitting on the floor. There was a map of the burning city laid out in front of them.

"We need to go put out the fire!" Jason said. Adam nodded.

"I agree, but we need to deal with the mobs too!"

I suddenly felt dizzy.

"I-.. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you longer." "No! Don't say that! You're going to be fine!"

What was that? I thought. I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness, but it didn't really work. I tried to focus anyways.

"Any ideas?" Adam asked. I nodded.

"We could have two groups." I said, and pointed to the map. "One group for putting out the fire, and another to take out the mobs." I suggested.

"Good idea." Jason said. Adam and Ty nodded.

"Yeah, we could split by who can put out the fire fastest, and who has the most battle experience." Adam said.

"I could put out the fire, I could fly over and pour buckets of water." Jason suggested.

"And I could fight the mobs, considering I can turn into Enderlox at any time now." Ty added.

"You can?" Adam asked. Ty nodded. "Great, then its settled, I'll tell the recruits."

---- Time Skip is Brought to you by Just me ----

Ty was in Enderlox form, fighting against the mobs. I was helping put out the fire using water spells.

I pointed my hands at a huge fire, shouting, "Retaw!" the flames were drenched in water.  I looked around, looking for any other major fires. Seeing one, I raised my hand. "Ret--" I was pushed to the ground. I got up, looking around for my attacker, when I was pinned to the ground by a blue and gray flash.

It was that girl! She was holding a black scythe against my neck, keeping me down.

That's a Shadow Sycthe.... I realized. One cut from that and you're pretty much dead. I had to get away! I struggled, avoiding the points of the scythe.

"Let me go!" I said, after my attempts proved useless. She didn't seem to hear me.

She was thinking of something else..

Then a white and black blur knocked her off of me. I immediately stood up, looking for the one who helped me. The girl was currently pinned up against a brick wall. The one keeping her there was--

"Ty!" I shouted, as the girl shifted into a bat, flying away into the sky. Ty flew after her. I stood still as I watched purple flames and waves of darkness clash in the sky.

"Seto! You need to focus!" I heard Adam say. I turned around, seeing him slicing a zombie in half. I nodded, and pointed my hands at a fire that was engulfing a tall building. "Retaw!" I said. Then--


Everyone was knocked to the ground as darkness ran through the streets. It all went silent. Nothing was happening. The flames seemed to stop, even the mobs stopped attacking.


There was some sort of hole in the sky. I heard a roar-like scream.


I got up and searched ths sky for any sign of him.

Then I saw him. Time seemed to stand still around me. He was falling from the sky, accelerating quickly. There was a crash as he hit the ground. I ran as fast as possible to his crash site. He was lying on the ground. He looked as though he had seen a ghost.

"Ty?" I said. He didn't seem to notice me, he was just staring up into the sky as the hole disappeared. I ran over to him and started shaking him. He seemed to snap out of a trance.

"S-..Seto?" he said, staring at me. I nodded. His wings had many holes in them, his clothes were torn, and his shirt had purple blood on it. There was a hole in his shirt, and it seemed as though darkness was spreading throughout his body.

"Ty, we need to get you back to the HQ as quickly as possible!" I said urgently. He nodded and stood up slowly. There was only a short amount of time until the darkness spread completely. If I couldn't find a spell to help, he would die. We started to walked back when Ty let out a cry of pain. He collapsed onto the ground. I got down next to him. He was going to die.

"C'mon Ty, get up, you can make it!" I said hopefully. He shook his head.

"Seto you know there's no Hope left for me." he said. "Just Despair." he laughed a bit, but stopped quickly. His breathing was becoming heavier. I shook my head.

"Ty, you're gonna be fine. I'll find a spell, get rid of the darkness, you'll be fine--"

"Seto, stop." Ty said. I stopped talking. "This is the last time I'll ever talk to you." he said. "My wish..... It was to be with you... Forever.." he told me, smiling as he closed his eyes.

I sat there for a bit, trying to understand what happened. I put my hand on his back, starting to shake him.

"T-...Ty?" I said as my shaking became more urgent.

"Ty..." I started crying.

"TY!!" I yelled to the sky. I caught the attention of many people, they all ran to Ty's crash site.

"What happened h--" Adam started, then saw Ty's unmoving body. "Oh." he took off his sunglasses. Jason took of his helmet, and anyone wearing a hat took it off.

(Yes, this is a re-publish, but as I'm sure you noticed, I re-wrote Ty's death. I did so because it was extremely rushed, and there's a part that needed to be seen. I may re-write other parts in the future.)

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