A Happy Ending

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  ---- Seto's POV ----

I walked through yet another forest, this time avoiding any voices I hear.

I reached the end of the forest, seeing Mt. Notch loom above me. I saw a staircase. Well that's useful! I thought happily, and started running when--

Something knocked me over. I looked up to see my attacker.

"Stitch!" I said. She didn't hear me. She was about to stab me with her scythe. I quickly kicked her off, trying to shoot a spell at her. "Erif!" I said. Fire shot out at her, but she dodged and raised her hand. I prepared myself to dodge whichever spell she shot at me. The white around her eye went black, and her raised hand seemed to be covered in black flames. What spell is that? I thought, and was suddenly launched against a tree.

I stood up, but something on the tree caught my eye. It was already stained with red.

Stitch was running at me. I tried to run, but I couldn't go anywhere.

I was stuck. "Stitch stop!" I said. She still didn't hear me. She was thinking of something... No, someone else. She tried to hit me on the head, but I ducked, her scythe becoming stuck in the tree.

"Stitch why are you attacking me?!" I asked as she tried to pull out her scythe. She got it out, and raised it one last time.

"Stitch please!" I yelled.

She stopped.

She was starting at me.

She dropped the scythe to the ground, walked back a couple steps, and fell to her knees. "Stitch?" I said. She wasn't looking at me. She was crying. I stood up again, finding I could move again, and sat by her side. "Why are you crying?" I asked. She sniffed and looked up at me.

"That's where he.... He...." she looked back down to the grass. "Died."

"Who?" I asked, but she didn't seem to listen.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked again.

"Ryo. He was my best friend, even if he didn't want to admit it. He was my only friend, and.... He couldn't take it anymore. He stabbed himself with his own sword." she explained. She was crying a lot now.

"I-.. I tried to follow. I desperately wanted to end it all but.... Sir Herobrine told me no." she sniffed again. "But he didn't tell Ryo not to!"  Then she looked up at me. "Just go. Now. While you can." I hesitated, but nodded and stood up. I started to walk up the first step when I heard movement behind me. I turned around, seeing Stitch stand up and look around. She was looking for something.

"Ryo....?" she asked quietly, and walked to the stained tree.

I turned back around and continued walking up the stairs. It was a long climb, but I eventually made it to the gates of the Ather. There were two guards standing there, blocking the gate.

"Excuse me." I said, and tried to get past them.

"We cannot let you in." one of the guards said.

"Let me through, I'm already dead." the two guards paused, then nodded.

"Fine. But cause any trouble--"

"I know." I walked through the gates.

It was very white. Some girl with brown hair and a white dress flew down to greet me.

"Hi!" she said happily.

"Hi." I said, with less enthusiasm.

"I'm Sukai, daughter of Notch, and I'll guide you around here!" Sukai grabbed my arms and flew up so high we could see the whole place. "This is where you can live," she said, somehow pointing at a group of houses. "And that's the castle!" she finished, pointing to a castle. She then flew back down, dropped me, and flew away.

"Thanks for the guide." I said sarcastically, and walked to the castle. I walked through the large double doors and saw a huge room. Banners were hanging from the ceiling, there were two large sets of stairs, and a long red carpet leading to a throne. Sitting on the throne was, of course, Notch. He seemed to be making a list of some sort. I walked down the large carpet and kneeled in front of him. He noticed me.

"You may stop." he said, and I stood up. "What is it you need?" he then asked.

"Lord Notch, I need my friend." I told him. He was confused. "I'm looking for Ty, Deadlox." I said. Notch nodded.

"Yes, him.." he said, and frowned. "He's been causing trouble. Why do you need him back?"

"He's my best friend. Well, more than a friend really, but I need him back."  I explained. Notch nodded again.

"I see... He's in the dungeon." he pointed to a small door next to the stairs. I nodded in thanks and ran through the door and down the stairs.

"Ty?" I said as I turned a corner. Ty was chained to a post like a bad dog. He looked up.

"Seto?" he asked, disbelievingly. He stood up. I nodded and ran over to him. He hugged me the second I came over there. "You're okay.." he said quietly, but happily. I nodded and hugged him back. We stopped hugging and I undid the chains. He was free.

He grabbed my hand and practically flew up the stairs and out the front doors. We ran to the gates, and I told thr guards to let us through. They did, and we ran down the stairs of the mountain. I looked around, and Stitch was sleeping beside the stained tree.

"It's her!" Ty said, now angry. "She killed me! And you!" he said, getting ready to attack Stitch. I stopped him.

"Ty no." I said. He stared at me.


"No. She didn't want to. She had no choice." Ty continued staring at me, but eventually nodded and said, "Alright Seto. I'll believe you."

We walked back through the forest, back through Undertown, through another forest, and eventually saw Sky Army HQ.

Then I remembered.

"Erm Ty? We.... Can't go back." I told him. Ty was confused.

"What? Why not?" he asked. I laughed nervously.

"They kinda don't recognize us, and I might've almost killed Mitch and Jerome." I explained. Ty thought for a bit.

"We could just live somewhere else." he said, and closed his eyes. Wings and a tail started growing.

"Like where--" I started to ask, but he grabbed me and flew up. We flew quickly until we came upon a huge hill. The same hill he took me stargazing.

"Here!" he said happily, and set me down on the soft grass. "We could make our own house." I nodded in agreement and looked up. It was already night time. I sat down, and Ty sat next to me.

"You know what my wish was?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I wished to be with you forever."

"And my wish is coming true."


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