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---- Stitch's POV ----

Good thing I know a bit of magic. I thought, as I followed the sorcerer and the one with the Dragon's Aura.

If I do this right, I should be able to figure out his most beloved.

I shifted into a bat and followed the sorcerer after they had parted ways.

"Delaever eb sterces." I said quietly, focusing intently on the sorcerer.

Nothing happened. I wasn't too suprised. This sorcerer did have great powers after all.

I'll have to wait till he's asleep. I thought.

---- Time Skip is Brought to by Just me ----

The sorcerer was asleep.

Now's my chance. I thought. I tried the spell again.


It didn't work. I have to enter his dreams.

"Dlrow maerd eht retne, em ekat." I said quietly. There was a soft glow, and I found myself pixelating away.

I found myself in the dream world. I looked around, I was in a library with books flying around. I saw the sorcerer.

The sorcerer's mind is defenseless if I'm actually in his dream.

"Delaever eb sterces!" I said out loud.
The sorcerer looked up from his book. He heard me loud and clear.

He was confused.

---- Seto's POV ----

Where have I seen that girl? I thought, frustrated I couldn't remember.

"Delaever eb sterces!" she said, louder and with more force.

She's casting a spell. I thought.

What spell though? I couldn't remember.

"DELARVER EB STERCES!!" She yelled, so loud it kinda hurt my ears.

I felt weird. Everything around me started to shake.

I remembered that girl!

I know what spell she's casting.

"Oh no.." I whispered. A huge hole appeared right under me, and I fell, the chair I was sitting in disappearing.

I landed hard, but I didn't wake up from my dream.

She wouldn't let me.

The girl jumped down, looking around. I looked around too.

There were books upon books upon books!

I knew exactly what they were for. "Don't touch anything!" I told the girl, hoping she'd listen.

She didn't.

She walked over to a section labled, Secrets.

She scanned over the books, looking for something in particular.

I got up and ran over, to stop her from taking anything. She looked over to me, raising her hand and shouting, "DNIW!"

A powerful gust of wind knocked me back.

I couldn't get up.

She finally found what she was looking for. She grabbed the book and disappeared.

I made myself wake up, the girl was running out of my bedroom door. I threw off the covers and started running after her.

"Get back here!" I yelled.

"No!" she yelled back.

"You have to give me the book!"

"I can't!" she cried, and shifted into a bat.

She can turn into bat?! I thought, very surprised.

She was heading for the library. I quickly ran after her, but by the time I got in the library, she was already through the broken window.

"Damn!" I cursed angrily.

"She can figure out everything now." I said to myself.

"She could figure out everything about me.." I sat down on the wood floor.

"She could use it all against me." I said, tears starting to fall.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder.

It was Ty.

"It's fine Seto, I won't let her." he said, and sat down next to me. He wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Thanks Ty." I said, and smiled.

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