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I shifted back into a bat as Ty and Seto walked out of the library. I went over what I learned.

Ty has the Dragon's Aura, the sorcerer's name is Seto, and he has powerful magic.

Not too bad, but not that great either.

I walked out of the Sky Army HQ, flying high up into the air, and diving down. A portal opened up and I landed gently at the entrance of Sir Herobrine's castle. I shifted back into human form, and walked to the throne room.

I neeled down and lowered my head to Sir Herobrine.

"What have you learned?" he asked.

"One named Ty has the Dragon's Aura." I said. "The sorcerer has great powers." I then told him.

He nodded in acknowledgment, closing his white eyes to think. After a couple seconds, he opened them and stared at me.

"Good work, continue to gain knowledge about the sorcerer. And keep an eye out for any information you can get about the one with the Dragon's Aura." Sir Herobrine commaned, and I nodded.

"Will do Sir!" I said, bat wings pixelizing. I had almost left when he called back.

"Oh and, try to find his most beloved."

---- Time Skip is Brought to by Only me! ----

(Sorry, there will be a few time skips)

---- Seto's POV ----

Ty wanted to meet me outside after I had praticed magic. It was kinda strange because he wanted to meet me at night. I left the enchantment room and headed for the front doors. Stepping through, I saw Ty leaning up against a wall.

"Good, you made it!" he said happily, and closed his eyes. Wings and a tail started to grow.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I asked, and he grabbed my arm.

"C'mon!" he said, spreading his wings to fly.

I had never been scared of hights, but something about dangling dangerously high up in the air bothered me.

"Ty where are we going?" I asked, taking my eyes off the ground.

"Jason told me the perfect hill for star gazing!" he said, and we quickly came upon a huge hill. He gently set me down on the soft grass, and his wings disappeared, along with his tail. I sat down, and he sat down next to me.

The grass was soft and green, with a few flowers here and there. We were far away from any town or city, so the dark sky was filled with stars.

I stared at all of them. I hadn't really seen so many. I looked over to Ty. He had a big smile on his face.

"There's so many constellations!" I said, trying to recognize them all. "Let see there's.... Little Dipper." I pointed to a set of stars that looked like a small spoon. "And Leo, and Scorpio." I pointed to a lion and a scorpian. I kept naming and pointing until I realized Ty was looking at me.

"You sure know a lot." he said, then looked back up to the stars. His eyes widened. "Quick! Make a wish!" he said, and closed his eyes. I did as well, and wished hard. I opened my eyes again and looked over to Ty.

"What did you wish for?" I asked. He blushed.

"Nothing important." he said, and he laid down on the grass. He sighed. "It's so nice out here, the wind, the soft grass, the bright stars.." he told me. I nodded in agreement.

Then I got the feeling again. Like I was being watched. I turned around, but saw nothing.

"What's wrong?" Ty asked.

"Nothing.." I replied, turning back.

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