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Herobrine dragged me to a bright white room made out of quartz. There was a table-like thing in the middle of the room with straps. There were shelves lining the walls, with potions and other thing on them. Herobrine put me on the table and strapped me down.

"You failed to co-operate, so you will be used for testing." he told me. I had a bad feeling. He walked over to a shelf and grabbed something I couldn't see.

He turned around and walked up to the table. He was holding some sort of rounded metal, along with some screws.

"This may hurt just a little bit." Herobrine said, grinning like a maniac. He put the rounded metal on my left hand, started to screw it into my hand.

It hurt. A lot.

I screamed, like anyone would do when metal screws are being pushed through your skin.

The pain lessened for a bit while he went to get another metal piece for my other hand.

Now! I had to teleport away now!

"Enog!" I shouted, and found myself outside the Herobrine's Nether castle. My hand hurt to a point of being unbearable. I looked at my hand to inspect it. It had a metal casing around it, and it seemed robotic. I moved my hand a bit. Pain shot through my arm, but other than that I noticed the metal bent however my hand moved.

"Interesting.." I said.

"I guess he got to you." I heard Stitch say from behind me. I turned around to face her and nodded. "I'm sorry." she said.

"It's fine.." I told her, and took the dirt block from my pocket.

"Seto listen." She said before I chanted the spell. "Your spirit is still here, and will forever remain here. Because of this, no one up there will recognize you. They only remember the Seto Sorcerer with a spirit." she explained.

"You'll have to be careful." I nodded.

"Dlrowrevo!" I said loudly, and everything went black.

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