Chapter 5

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Okay first of all thanks to everyone with all the votes and comments on Flight 21. Means so so much. <3

I'd just like to apologize to the people who try to talk to me through chat. . . cause well, I don't really use it so there really is no point. Sorry. But you guys can write on my message board since I check that daily.

Also I know some of you think there are spelling mistakes in this story, but word like kinda and cause and other things along those lines are the way people talk. Since it's the point of view of one of the charactors, the thoughts and dialogue are the way she thinks and says them so they are meant to be like that.

Alright that's it, Thanks :)

The silence woke me up. And that may seem weird but I can’t sleep when it’s quiet. I need to hear the humming of a fan or the whispers of people in the night. But it was too quiet. I cracked open one eyelid, careful not to make any movements. All I saw was the deep shades of green around me. Opening my other eye, I got up from where I lay. Welcome to day 2 on this island. I turned my head in all directions looking for something familiar. Where was I anyways?

Yawning, I stood up and stretched my sore muscles.. All I could remember was Trent was being a jerk then I left him and wondered off . . . then I slipped and, oh my god! I almost died. And the stupid prick saved my life . . . again. He is so going to hold this against me for a long time and I know it. I looked around to see if he was here. I was under a tree with vines cascading all around me, surrounding the entire perimeter. It was very spacious but held no trace of where Trent was.

“Trent?” I called out with no response. “Trent where are you?” Still I heard nothing but small echoes of my voice. I can’t believe that guy left me alone in the jungle. This was getting irritating now. “Trent! Where are you! I swear if you don’t come here fast I’ll . . . uh, I don’t know but hurry back!” I paced around the tree awkwardly waiting for anything. My stomach growled and I groaned from the hunger. Not only that but I seriously needed to use the bathroom but I wasn’t about to do this in the middle of the jungle.

I decided I was going to find something to eat and solve one of the many problems I had from this situation. I walked underneath a few vines that were tangled in the way and moved them aside.

“Trent? Where are you?” I sang loudly. “I really hate that guy sometimes,” I grumbled sourly to myself. I started to walk in a straight path so I wouldn’t get lost but decided to just follow the light out. The light began to grow brighter as I followed the pathway and soon it shone on my face, its intense light covering each surface of the sand and ocean.

“Huh, I actually did it,” I said to myself proudly. So now that I’m out, what should I do? I really didn’t think this plan through. “Trent! If you can hear me I’m on the beach!” I screamed into the jungle. I put my hand over my eyes trying to block the sun’s rays and searched the area of the beach for Trent.

He was nowhere in sight but one thing did catch my eye, a large gust of smoke rising from somewhere in the island. It was big enough to cover most of the beach. Since it was somewhere else, I couldn’t figure out where it was rising from.

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