So Sorry... (._.")

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Hey guys... I'm so sorry if I'm not updating a chapter, and I won't be anytime soon...
It's because....
I'm going to discontinue/delete this story... so sorry...that's why its the name of the chapter... I apologize for this and made you hope that there will be a sequel, that's why I'm deleting this dumb book... 

Is it too late to say sorry....?



Yow, Why you still here...? (0.o)... There's nothing down there... 










There's nothing down there... only just comments or the advertisements about something... so.... uh.... You could go and turn off laptop/cellphone/tablet right now and take a nap.. there's nothing down there....


Did you do your homework yet...? 










(._.") Nothing down below...







You could read another book if you want, or comment something random down below...

















Meh, Just kidding! Haha! Made ya laugh huh?! XD ... I guess not though... The reason is why I'm not updating is well, its my exams and I have to study real hard.. so I may not come back alive.. (that's a joke..) 
I may be posting the update a week from now cause also its our Christmas party, so yeah.. Sorry if I disappointed you though or made you think that I'm ending this book... Haha... 

See you in a week,   

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