Chapter 19: You're Under Arrest

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The next day; Ash, Squid, Stampy, Tom and Finnball went to report Michael to Mel B.

"Ok what's the problem boys?" Mel asked

"It's Michael he is way out of control" Ash stated

"What do you mean out of control?"

"Um let's see he drugged Ash, stabbed me, and also grabbed me yesterday and tried to shoot and choke me but thanks to my amazing brother, I'm not dead" Squid listed

Mel was shocked, had this really happened or were the boys setting Michael up?

"Well Michael came to see me earlier today and said that you David tried to shoot him yesterday and that you knocked him out" Mel explained

"What I did none of that!"

"Well he did have blood on his head"

"That would be my fault, I may have hit him too hard with the gun which he had may I add but I hit him with it so we could get Squid out of there" Tom said

"Well I don't know which story is true so I will be searching both yours and 35WIL's room"

"But..." Squid started

"No buts."

Mel then went and searched 35WIL's room and found nothing and then searched BRB's room and found a bag of drugs in Ash's draw, and a knife with blood on it along with a gun in Squid's draw. Mel then called the cops and organised a meeting with BRB and 35WIL.

"Um Mel, why are the cops here?" Jacki asked

"You will al find out now sit down" Mel said

The bands sat in their groups and were then surprised.

"Which ones of you are Ashley Hall and David Spencer?" one of the cops asked

Squid and Ash put their hand up.

"You two are under arrest for keeping drugs and owning an unlicensed weapon"

"What! We don't own any of those things, Michael planted them in our room. He is the brother of my ex-girlfriend and is trying revenge for her being in jail" Squid explained as he struggled to get away.

"Save it for the judge"

Michael had a smirk planted on his face the whole time. His plan had worked. Ash and Squid were then put in a jail cell and they were next to none other than Jessabelle herself.

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