Chapter 25: Tom!

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5 weeks passed with next to no action, only the continuous of going acts and now there were 6 solos and 4 groups left in the show which meant these were the top 10 and one particular group was partying in there room.

"Woohoo! We made it to the top 10" Stampy cheered.

"Guys, I just want to say thanks, for coming with me on this adventure" Ash said

"Thanks for bringing us along Ash, we couldn't of gotten this is far if it weren't for you" Squid said

"Thanks Squid and, we're all really proud of you mate, you've been through a lot and you've kept fighting. You're the heart and soul of the team, even of our larger group at home"

"Wow, you really mean it?"

"Of course he does Squid, I'm proud to have a little brother like you, I wouldn't change you for anything" Tom said

"Even biscuits?"

"Maybe not biscuits..." Tom laughed and was tackled by Squid which made everyone crack up laughing.

"The brothers are versing it out once again, both fighting strongly and ohh Squid takes it out on top and sits on his brother's back giving us a grin" Stampy commentated

"Ok fine you win, now will you get off of me! You're not light!" Tom ordered pushing Squid off of him who was now rolling around laughing.

"Oh no Squid's got laughitis again" Finnball giggled making everyone chuckle.

"Hey don't blame me, this is the most fun I've had here" Squid said sitting up only to be pushed down again by Tom.

"Oh come on Tom. I may have won but it doesn't mean you can push me down every time I try to get up" Squid said and was continually pushed down every attempt he made at getting up.

"Aww but it's fun" Tom whined as he didn't stop.

The boys had no clue that Michael was outside the door feeling as guilty as ever.

"They are all so happy together. I wish I had a family and friends like that" Michael said as he walked to his room.

"Ok guys, I think we better get some sleep" Ash laughed as he saw his best friend suffer and helped him up but was pushed on the ground in the process.

"Tom!" Ash and Squid yelled.

Tom, Stampy and Finnball were laughing hysterically.

"Ok I am serious let's get some sleep" Ash ordered as he helped Squid up successfully this time.

"Ok fine I will stop" Tom said and went to bed.

"Night guys" Stampy said


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