Chapter 23: You're Free

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A few days past and Ash and Squid were waiting to be taken to court. When a guard came to their door, they were surprised when he said "You're free to go". Ash and Squid didn't need to think they just went. When they returned and knocked on their room door, Tom answered.

"What are you guys doing here?" Tom asked

"Someone cleared our name" Ash said

"Really, we tried for ages"

"Well that's strange, no one else knew other than 35WIL but they wouldn't do it" Squid shrugged

"Hey why are you two here?"Stampy asked

"We were freed now what's the song?" Ash asked

"We are doing 'Coming Back' by Dean Ray" Finnball said

"Ok let's go practice" Squid said and they did.

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