The Real Question

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When all seems hopeless
When all seems lost
When life comes at too great a cost
Kill yourself
Cut your ties
Shove back in their mouths those lies
But as each one cries
Smile knowing that they are true
The ones who love you
Just kill yourself leave you behind
Treat the world to one its kind
Kill the one that you call me
That is the only way to see
But what's been seen can mere undone
As long this Earth bears a Sun
I killed myself and found my mask
But in it forced to bask
What can I do what can I say
To make each admit we're not okay
I know not how to make one speak
Of truth in lies an truth so bleak
I ask you to kill you once
But know that done can't back to nunce
I ask of you to wear a mask
I don't know how I can ask
You to do something so cruel
To yourself and all you know
But to see is truth to show
And now I go to try again to kill myself till I am dead
I try to make myself bleed
But oh nothing sates the need
If I cut when could I stop
Am I crazed will I flop
Dead on my floor or see lights more
Of a hall and of a different mask
That would make my life last
Will or does my family worry
I ask for an answer caused by my hurry
I asked you to kill yourself
But I meant me
I just want I to be
But with a mask by my fear forced to wear
Lest I worry my friends with care
Or make my family die instead
I lie awake in my bead
I darent rest my head
For with eyes closed my demons fly
Up up into my own sky
As minutes tick by
I sit here still debating with myself
But the real question and answer to Cut is not if but when.

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