Thank You My Lady of Dreams

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As one last puzzle piece clicks into place u hug you and whisper

Thank you for being the best damn friend I ever had
Thank you for being you
And making me me when I'd no idea what to do
I thank you for every I love you shared
Thank you for making me feel like someone cared
Thank you for making me me
Thank you for leaving me be
For helping me see
For making me smile
For helping me laugh
Thank you for staying until
And after I fell asleep
Thank you for that blind punch buggy
That banana whack
Thank you for being with me
Even when you were not
I thank you for being you
For looking up at me when you rested on
For falling asleep then saying I'm not
For when you said stay mine
For letting you shine
For every laugh you let me share
For every trouble you let me help bear
Every cuddle
Every touch
Every forehead kiss
Thanks for being my crutch
When I didn't even  have you
You were still there
Two times no three so far
For helping me see each star
For letting me fear the bright blue sky
And leading me home when death was nigh
For letting me hold your cold hand, back from work to Neverland
From shop to home
From hurt to hearth
You have shown me what love is worth
And all the work
I might be afraid of the dark
But holding your hand was like daybreak
Like sunset and rise
When I looked in your eyes
In every touch a spark
You put me together while making me fall apart
A nightmare day a dream at night
Because you were there
You're always right
You're still miss perfect
I'm still number two
I am just kinda missing you
Find a future and find love
I pray I see you before above
I wish for a close call so I can say
Anything I've wanted to say
But hey
I'm afraid
Afraid to lose
Afraid to fight
Afraid to fall
Afraid of height
Afraid of winning
Afraid of life
Not afraid of death
Not afraid of strife
afraid to admit I still love you
But yet not afraid to see you two
To smile to joke and get along
Be the off key behind every song
I play the third wheel
I just hope he knows
That I'll "kill" him if he chose
To hurt you or anyone close
But here's to you
I pray you last
But please just don't leave me in the past
Busy busy as can be
But please don't say goodbye to me
I thank you for all you have done
And I see in the night you as a sun
A star is me to fall so high
I fell up heels or' head high
To become the star
To guide the She
I just didn't realize not to me
To have to hold
He better be thinking
Of sickness or health
Or he'll be blinking
For richer poorer
Better n' worse
I better see him carry your purse
I want to watch him hold your hand
And walk down the aisle
To beat of new band
To play along or just tap to toon
He better not leave anytime soon
I thank you for shivers
And warm good nights
For sleep wells
And sleep tights
For each time you said
Sorry I should head to bed
For every movie
And every song
I thank you for trying to get along
I pray for your safety
And for your health
Come back to us to share in the wealth
Come back in one piece or we'll both fall apart
Come back some day or you'll break both our hearts
Keep us close him closer than me
Or boot to the head I bequeath to thee
Be careful I tell you
I say it with love
You are a Godsend
One from above
You lit up my life so I thank you again
I thank you for every time
You fed me a verse or spoke me a line
I thank you for notes of every kind
I thank you for your heart gold lined
For every hug I thank you two times
And every memory forever mine
From that first I love you
Till the last good night
I thank you
I thank you for every fair slap or hiss
I just wished for that rainy cold kiss
For that one night under the moonlight
And one more with you dressed in white
But I thank you still
And for morning light
I fear I must tell you good night
Sleep well
Sweet dreams
And so on again
I'll see you once more when pillow meets head
Lady of dreams
Fair lady, fair lady
My woman of dreams
I thank you for every insult
For remark about no
For its my choice
For every I'm dieing
For ever yes after no
For everything
I thank this woman of dreams
You have the slightest of what it means
So thank you great miss for every last sigh
I hope never a parting goodbye

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