That Escalated Quickly

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Take my hand
Step over with me
I promise you'll never be alone unless you want to be
So take my hand
Good now take a look at this land
Isn't this place grand?
Let's take a closer look
Just you and me
I can walk on air you see
Here I'll show you
I'm over now
So just one step I'll show you how
Take my hand with the soft of yours
Great, now one foot on the edge
Good, another up on the ledge
Don't look down yet
Just look at me and see in my eyes
What it is that in you lies
This power this grace
Fly with me I see the glimmer in your face
Don't denie
I know you can fly
Don't be silly who said you'll die?
Oh, and that same man
Kept not apple from Eve's hand
So trust a liar speaking in truth
Or denie the liar offering you
I give a chance like no other
Come to me my flower
A hint of possession in my voice
You hear that by your choice
But beware this one time deal
To fly with me and be happy

"Fine!" I shout and smile for me
Is this choice really free
Will I see my family?
Or when, will they want to see me?

I look down past the lip
And cry out as my foot slips
It stays up in the air
I shout I squeek I do not care
I step off with the other one
And as I plummet realise I'm done
The dissipating smile I grasp
But he won at long last
Was it Satin or just me
I realise as I near the ground
It doesn't matter I'll never see

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