just your average day

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I fell in love with the moon
The moon fell in love with the sun
The sun left her for a star
Now look where we are
She's out of control looking for a bit
To fill the whole
Now look where we are
We've all drifted so far
I'm hanging out with a stone
That I don't wanna throw
It could get us all hurt
But I wont
I won't hurt now
I won't hurt then
For a moment but then
I won't feel anymore
Im not sure how to endure
This love thing is killing me
Life looked the other way
Death won't except me today
So I'm left all alone
Feeling lost on a throne
Crowned by a great man
Who holds every plan
But what I can't figure out
Is where to go now
What do I do
What do I say
How do I make it all OK?
I don't feel the pain
I don't feel the shame
It's all just the same
As I skip and repeat
Then my heart skips a beat
When I let my head stay behind
I get lost in my time
I go and get lost
I feel a great cost
But I spew wells
And walk quiet in hell
I go to the gates
Walk right away
Go back again
Sit in sin
And live another day

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