2: Neighbours

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You stood outside your house gate, watching the kids just laughing around. You wanted to approach them, but you didn't know how.

Just as you were thinking about ways to talk to them, one of them noticed you and waved. "Heya buddy! Wanna come join us?"

You looked behind you to make sure there was nobody else. You looked at him and smiled, "Um, sure!" And you walked over to them.

He grinned and said, "You must be the new kid! Welcome to our neighbourhood. I'm John Egbert, and this is Dave Strider." He pointed at the blonde kid you saw from your window.

He gave you a cool nod and smiled a bit. He seemed like the 'cool' guy. You smiled at John and said, "Hi, I'm (full name)."

John sat down next to Dave and motioned for you to sit down. You sat infront of them both.

"So, can I ask why'd you move?" John asked. He didn't mean to butt in, but he was just being friendly.

"Uh, my mum's business just sort of expanded and we could afford a better house," you told him.

He nudged Dave. "Woah, a buisnesswoman's daughter! You must be rich."

"Haha, not really," you laughed.

*timeskip to 12pm*

You looked at your phone. "Oh, it's 12pm. I better go."

"Aw, that's devastating! I'd love to talk to you more," John whined. "You're so fun to talk to! Right, Dave?"

He just nodded. Man, he was a quiet person.

"Wait, save my number! We can talk there," John smiled.

You laughed and gave him your phone for him to save his number.

You had to admit, this was a nice place with nice people. At least two. Or one.

Dave Strider x Reader (Alternia High)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora