11: Hidden

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You awakened to the sound of something repeatedly hitting your window. You groaned and put your pillow on your face, trying to go back to sleep. That's when you realised you must have fallen asleep.

You sat upright, the things still hitting your window. You sighed and droopily got out of bed. You walked towards the window and realised the things hitting your windows were pebbles.

You looked down from your window and saw John throwing the pebbles at your window. He immediately stopped throwing them at you and looked at you.

"Where have you been?!" he yelled. You looked at him and shrugged.

"Dave and I have been worried sick!"

You froze. You didn't tell Dave that you were going home alone.

You let out a fake cough and John gave you a confused look. You pointed at your throat. You wanted him to think you were sick. Even though you weren't.

"Oh," he said. "Well then, get well soon. I'll tell Dave that you're not feeling well."

You nodded and closed the curtains.


Who opened the curtains?

Was it your mum?

Usually she'd be home by night time.

Have you really been sleeping this long?

You just sighed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

You walked down the stairs in your oversized (f/c) sweater and a pair of grey and pale blue comfy pants. There was no sign of your mum anywhere.

"Good evening, (f/n)!" You jumped as you turned to see one of the maids dressed in oversized pyjamas, similar to yours. Her name was Belle and she came by your house everyday to help take care of the house. She was also the closest maid to your mum. You both weren't very close but you both still talked. She was kind and caring, too.

"You scared me," you sighed in relief. She giggled. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, your mum told me she'd be home late today," she smiled. "You weren't answering her calls, so she sent me here to take care of you."

"Oh," you smiled. "Thank you." Belle really was a caring person.

"Somebody came by just now," she said as you sat down on one of the high chairs by the kitchen counter. "But I told him you were asleep. He's a cute guy, with his blonde hair and sunglasses." She giggled.

"Did he tell you his name?" you asked, even though you knew it was obviously Dave.

"Nope, he just told me he was your best friend," Belle said, looking at the kitchen counter as she wiped it with a wet cloth. Then she stopped and looked at you, still smiling with her sweet smile. "Is he your boyfriend, (f/n)?"

"Sadly, he isn't," you said. Then you looked at her still smiling and realised what you had just said.

"Don't worry, I won't tell," she smiled. She winked and went back to looking down at the kitchen counter and wiping it with the wet cloth in her hand. "Anyway.. He seemed really worried about you, so you should probably tell him you're doing okay. I'll tell your mum you're awake."

"Thank you Belle," you smiled back. You hurriedly rushed upstairs to grab your hoodie. You put it on and tied your hair in a ponytail.

You turned off the lights and headed downstairs. You sat on the front porch and put on your sneakers. Then you stood up.

You took a deep breath and closed the front door, and began the long walk to the house of your best friend.

Dave Strider x Reader (Alternia High)Where stories live. Discover now