13: Cold

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You both were sitting down side by side on the couch. The atmosphere felt cold. Dave had suggested that you both don't watch TV and just enjoyed the heavy rain while it lasted. So here you guys are, sitting down together enjoying the cold rain pour down heavily outside.

You don't know how long you both have been sitting there together enjoying the cold weather but it was comfortable. Very comfortable, although the whole thing was silent. You softly put your head on Dave's shoulder. He put his hand in your hair, softly stroking it.

In that moment, you realised that you finally understood this feeling you've beem having for him all this time.

You were falling in love.

You sighed. You didn't know if he loved you, too.

You both slowly leaned over to one side until you both were settled and lying down together facing the window.

With your head on his shoulder and his hand in your hair.

Dave Strider x Reader (Alternia High)Where stories live. Discover now