22: Drink

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---- Laaast chapter. Are y'all ready
Enjoy the ride ----

As the clouds gently floated by in the night sky, you lay your head comfortable on Dave's arm. The both of you were laying on the grass in the cold atmosphere, the comfort of the silence surrounding you. As the sounds of crickets filled the air, you heard Dave let out a long sigh.

You sighed along with him, having an idea of what he was thinking about. "College plans?"

You felt him nod. "Yup. College plans."

The both of you let another silent moment drift by before you decided to speak up again.

"We could always go to the same college," you suggested.

He took a few minutes to recollect his thoughts. "But we wouldn't exactly be going for the same course."

You let out another sigh. "Huh."

The atmosphere drifted by without any talk again. You could feel a bit of tension build up, the both of you wondering about what's next.

You felt his arm shift and you slowly got up, sitting upright. He sighed as he did the same, facing the view, his knee touching yours.

Another wondering moment.

"You think you could survive without me?" he teased, easing the tension. You playfully nudged his arm, laughing.

You smiled, kind of sadly down at the grass. You both knew where this was going.

"Okay, as cliché and typical romance movie ending as it sounds, it's not the end," he said, laughing. You laughed with him, feeling the comfort of warmth surround you like a blanket.

Your laughs faded down as you looked at him, then rolled your eyes at his shades. You softly used your hands to take them off his face, revealing his crimson eyes. He cracked a laugh as you struggled to get them off in the end, one side stubbornly refusing to be taken off.

You lay them on the grass, then looking up into his eyes.

"We're not gonna end this on any bad terms," he said softly. "We're both gonna go off to college. Enjoy and live our lives. We'll see where that takes us."

You nodded, looking down for a few seconds. Your eyes met his again as he softly brushed your hair behind your ear, placing his lips on yours.

They stayed for a while.

As you guys drew apart, you both sighed softly. After a few minutes, letting out laughs.

"Enjoy your college life, adult-cool-man," you smiled.

He playfully nudged your arm this time. "You're seriously gonna talk about college now?"

"What, you're too not grown up yet for that?" you joked.

"I just planned a little 'play' for our project successfully while you did nothing," he smirked, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, first of all, that has nothing to do with this," you said, raising your eyebrows in return. "Second of all. Was it really successful if the only cheesy phrases you used kept on being repeated?"

You cleared your throat and put on his sunglasses, putting on your best cool voice to impersonate the Strider. "Just love them. Just love them."

He chuckled as he took his glasses back and looked at you. You looked at him back for a while before breaking into a soft grin.

He laughed and ruffled your hair. You ruffled his hair back.

Dave Strider x Reader (Alternia High)Where stories live. Discover now