19: Hoodies

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Your Moon Project still wasn't done. You kept trying to bring it up with Dave, but everytime you did, he just seemed to brush it off. Either "Don't worry about it, we can talk about this later." or "You're worrying too much. Just drink your apple juice."

And yes, Dave gave you apple juice that he had made himself. He had recorded your reaction, which was you making a face as if you had drank sour milk. It was really sour, and he had repeatedly denied it, saying that he had added extra sugar, only to admit defeat later on when realising that he had used salt instead of sugar. You couldn't stop laughing after that.

But it seemed like the week flew by so fast - now you were just sitting at your table in your room. You were tapping your pencil on your table in frustration, not able to think of something to do for the project. You thought about calling Dave, but you felt as if it wouldn't be much help either, because he would just brush it off on the phone.

You've also been trying to be patient - you just wanted to get the project done, but he kept pushing it away. Recently, he's been doing a lot of school stuff lately, and for some reason, it seems to be way overloaded. Some days, you didn't even go to his house. Sometimes he would just have a lot of homework.

You sighed as you looked out the window. The weather was fairly but not freezing cold, and there was no rain. It was the perfect weather to walk in.

Your eyes drifted over to his red hoodie in your room. You smiled at the memory of him saying, "If you like it so much why don't you keep it? I mean, you'll never be as cool as me but at least you'll feel like I'm with you when you put it on." After he had said that, you had thrown a pillow at him and said, "You know I can't respond to cheesy lines like that!" Nevertheless, you took his hoodie with you anyway when you went home.

Your gaze shifted to your window again. The weather really didn't seem that bad.

You stood in front of Dave's door, knocking it a few times. You already had some plans in mind - actually discuss about the Moon Project this time, and maybe after that the both of you could watch some movies together.

You heard some stumbling from inside before the door was opened slowly by Dave. He was wearing your (f/c) hoodie. You giggled at the coincidental outfits the both of you were wearing.

Dave laughed too, but it seemed to be more of a less amused laugh.

"Hey," you grinned. He just nodded back, "Hey, (nickname). What're doing here so late?"

"I can't come to my boyfriend's house?" you said, jokingly. You made yourself welcome as you stepped into the house and flopped on his sofa.

He closed the door and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhh, it's fine. But I just didn't expect you to come tonight.." he mumbled.

You were getting the vibe that he wasn't really in a good mood. You sat upright. "Well.. Remember when we were thinking about what to do for the Moon Project?" you said, trying to enlighten the mood. He just nodded. "I thought.. That maybe you could.. Dress up as a princess?"

Dave barely responded and just sat down by his laptop. "Uh huh."

"We can put on a comedic play, but instead of you being the prince and me being the princess, it's just basically reversed."

"Yeah, that's cool."

You looked up at him. He was on his laptop. He wasn't listening. You felt a little frustrated.

"How was your day?" you asked.

"It was fine," he mumbled. "Yours?"

"Same," you said as you walked over to him. But as you were about to see what he was doing on his laptop, he immediately shut the laptop down.

You raised your eyebrows at him. He just shrugged back.

"What were you working on?"

"Just school stuff."


He just nodded in response. But out of curiousity and doubt, you opened up the laptop. Since Dave had just closed it, it was now locked.

You typed in Dave's password.

Wrong password.


You tried again.

Wrong password.

You knew Dave's laptop and phone password. Why couldn't you unlock his laptop?

You looked over at him. He just said, "Uhh, I changed it."

"What are you hiding from me?"


"Jeez, if it's nothing then you wouldn't have just shut down the laptop. Or changed the password."

"It's just school stuff, (nickname)."

You felt more frustrated now. "You didn't seem to be in a good mood when I came over. But when I asked you about your day, you said it was fine. If something went wrong, you could have just talked about it, you know."


"Not change your laptop password, or make it seem like you're hiding something."

He sighed. "(nickname), it's not like that."

The both of you just stood there. You felt frustrated. He seemed to be feeling frustated, too, but you didn't see any reason why.

"Yeah, maybe it's not like that," you sighed. "Maybe you just don't want me here."


"The reason I came here was to discuss about the Moon Project. But just forget it. I guess I'll do it myself, then. I'll just message you about it."


"Just forget it. Have fun with your school work." you mumbled. "Nice hoodie, by the way." Still feeling very frustrated, you walked out of the house and headed straight home.

Whatever. You could do this yourself, anyway.

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