Chapter Thirty-Two: Mood Swings and Mysteries (EDITED)

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Shane's POV

I held Ariel's shaking hand as we walked into the living room where Greg, Zac, Chris, Aiden, and Jess were sitting. Are you sure you're ready to tell them? I asked through the link.

Positive. She said although I could feel her nervousness flowing through the mate link.

Alright. I said. Just like we practiced. One...two-

"I'm pregnant." Ariel blurted, then quickly covered her mouth with her hands.


Chris, Greg, Aiden, and Zac, looked at her in shock before they looked to me before their eyes rested on her.

"Ariel I can't believe this," Chris said as he put his head in his hands.

Her hands fell from her mouth, a frown placed on her lips."Chris I-"

"I'm going to be an uncle!" he said with a huge smile appearing on to his face. I heard Ariel let out a sigh of relief as she smiled. "Hug me, sista!" He said as he pulled Ariel into a hug. She giggled as she hugged him back. Soon, everyone was hugging Ariel and congratulating us. I smiled at Ariel and she returned it. This is the start of a new chapter in our lives and I get to start it as a father.


"Give it to me Chris or I swear that I'll drop kick you into next year!" I heard Ariel scream from the kitchen. I hurried in to see Chris laughing as he held a large jar of pickles over his head and Ariel jumping, trying to get them. "Give them to me now, Chris!" she screamed as she started wildly beating on his chest. "I want them now!"

"Is wittle Ariel mad cause she can't have the pickles?" Chris said in a child voice, completely unfazed by her beating on his chest.

"I swear to God Chris, if I didn't have a baby growing inside me, my foot would be so far up your butt you'd be able to taste my toes for breakfast!" she said, irritation evident in her voice.

"Keep talking like that, you're baby will come out swearing like a sailor." Chris joked before Ariel elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain and Ariel grabbed the jar from his hands.

"Next time, you should just give me my freaking pickles." she growled, causing me to chuckle a bit as Chris whimpered in submission. Ariel's attention snapped to me. "Oh, you think that this is funny?" she growled as she took three mighty strides toward me.

I put my hands up in surrender as I said "No ma'am."

She smirked. "That's right." She said as she grabbed my shirt and led me back to our room. She crashed on our bed and started eating the pickles.

"May I have one?" I asked. She looked at me as if I'd grown another head.

"W-What?" she said.

"I said, may I have a-"

"Don't say it again!" she cut me off, horror in her voice.

"So may I?"

"No you may not." she said as she continued eating.

"Come on Ariel, you're not going to eat that whole jar of pickles by your-"

"SO NOW YOUR CALLING ME FAT?!" she shrieked as she hugged her stomach.

"No! No! You're not-"

"You're saying I'm fat!" she said sadly.

"Ariel I'm not saying that you're-"

"Well, you're fat!" she fired back as she crossed her arms over her chest like a kid. "You're a big fat butt face!"

Pregnant women.....

"Okay, you win," I said standing up. "I'ma go to the office and do some work. " I said as I turned and started walking toward the door.

"NO!" she cried as she threw herself at me. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave!"

"Relax, babe." I smiled as I kissed her forehead and started carrying her back to the bed. "I'm coming back. Just lay down and eat your pickles and I'll be back in a bit, okay." She nodded as I gently placed her down and tucked her in.

"Promise you'll come back?" she asked.

"Promise," I smiled before I gave her a peck on the lips and went to the office.


Ariel's POV

There's been so many emotions running through my head and I was starting to get a headache. I blame my hormones.

I was currently eating a large jar of pickles and watching Pitch Perfect 2 on Netflix. (A/N I've never had Netflix so if this movie isn't/ has never been on there, I'm sorry)

"I'm back," Shane said as he crashed onto the bed next to me and reached for a pickle, but I quickly smacked his hand away. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Don't touch my pickles," I growled.

"Noted." he said.

"Now, go downstairs and get me some ice cream."


I stared at him. "A-Are you questioning me?" His eyes grew wide.

"N-No! Of course not! I'll go get it now!"

"Good," I smiled as I patted him on the head. "Now go!" With that, he was up and gone.

We have strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla. What do you want?

I thought for a second.

All of them and get me a big spoon.

Ma'am yes ma'am. He said.

A few second later he came back with three tubs of ice cream and a giant purple spoon. He hurried over to the bed and dumped it all on to the bed then handed me the spoon. "Here you go m'lady." He said as he returned to his place on the bed next to me.

"Yes!" I said as I grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream and started digging in with the giant spoon. Shane put his arm around me as I ate my pickles and ice cream while we watched PP2.

All of a sudden, the bedroom door swung open, revealing a girl no older than I with white hair, gray eyes, a flawless complexion, and a white flowing gown. She had an aura of power around her, and it might've just been me, I could see through her a bit. She stepped in and the TV flickered off. Shane growled at the stranger as he stood over me in a protective stance. "I don't know who you are, but-"

"Don't say you don't recognize me, Shane." She smiled, showing off her shining white teeth. She looked at me "Ariel?" I just looked at her.

"Well then," she said as she straightened out her dress then smiled. "Allow me to introduce myself. Hi, I'm the Moon Goddess."

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter and if you did, don't forget to comment and vote! Also, don't forget to read my new book His To Keep.

Love y'all-Jordan🦄

EDITED JULY 20, 2016

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