Chapter 3: Prove Them Wrong

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Beep. Beep beep. Beep beep beep.

I yawned and sat up. It's five thirty in the morning. Not my ideal time to wake up, but essential if I'm to catch the 6:30 train to Cloudsdale without waking Glaze.

I rolled out of bed and trotted over to the bathroom, running a comb through my mane and quickly brushing my teeth. My mane still isn't as long as before the whole Factory incident, but it's almost there. I almost decided on keeping it short, but kinda just procrastinated on keeping it cut, and boom, suddenly it's long again.
I don't really mind though; less ponies recognize with with long hair, since I had short hair in the media.

I grabbed my saddlebag from the closet and counted my money, making sure it was all there. I'll need something to take video with, nopony will ever believe me without evidence.

I crept downstairs and unplugged Glaze's cell phone from the outlet on the counter. He won't mind... Okay, maybe he will mind, but it's not like he'll notice it's gone... After all, I need it more than him right now.

Throwing on my hoodie incase I ran in to somepony who recognized me, I trotted outside and made my way down to the train station.

The ride was incredibly long and boring, and I spent the majority of my time trying to keep the mare next to me from falling asleep on my shoulder. I bucking hate public trains... Public anything, really. I should have hitched a ride in one of the back cars again, but I didn't want to risk getting caught. I've broken the law enough lately, I don't need to do it again.

When the train finally arrived in Cloudsdale, I got off and recounted the bits in my saddlebag. It's almost lunch time, and I'm going to have to eat something... But maybe I'll take a quick look around first.

I picked up a town map from the front desk of the station, then sat down at a bench and scanned it over. Hm... There's a restaurant down the street from here, I could eat there. I am pretty hungry...

I made my way down to the restaurant and sat down to eat, studying the map as I munched on my salad. What category would a tattoo parlor even be under? Arts and Entertainment? Recreation maybe?

My eyes fell on the name Citrus Flame. So it is still open...? Guess that'll be my first stop. I wonder if the pony who did my tattoo still works there...

Once I finished my lunch, I hurried to dispose of my garbage and jumped on the bus to the other side of the city. I'm going to be broke by the end of this... But it'll be worth it. It'll all be worth it once I can get a job.

Citrus Flame was just like I remembered it. It's pretty close to where my old house was... But I really don't want to go back there. I'm sure they've rebuilt the place after it burned to the ground, and I know it'll just cause me pain to see a completely different house in the place of where my entire foalhood once was.

I nervously crept up to the front door, took a deep breath, and pushed my way inside. What do I say...?

"Hello, can I help you?" The pony at the front desk looked up as I walked through the door and bells chimed.

I cleared my throat. "Um... Hi. I was wondering if you have a list of all your customers? I'd like to know if... Uhm... A friend of mine came in here lately."

She nodded. "Yes, but that's confidential. I'm sorry, but we can't disclose the other customer's information to the public. What's your friend's name? I may be able to tell you if I've seen them lately."

"His name is Silver Spirit." I said quietly. What if she asks me more...? I don't know anything about this pony...

But to my relief, the secretary just shook her head. "Don't recognize the name, but I'm not here everyday either. Sorry, I can't help you."

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