Chapter 12: A Deadly Contract

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(Sorry for the late chapter, I got a little sidetracked last night. Hope this makes up for it!)


I was awoken the following morning by fighting outside my bedroom door. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes, glancing over at the door with a scowl. Slowly, I dragged myself out of bed and made my way outside to check what was going on.

A few meters away, Fury had Silver in a tight headlock. Silver's electric gun was pressed against Fury's stomach, and the two were constantly fighting to keep control. I sighed. I'm not sure what got them so riled up, but we can't be fighting among ourselves.

Silver looked up and gave me a pleading glance, to which I nodded. He pulled the trigger, and Fury yelped and fell to the floor, unconscious.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

The light gray stallion took a step back and sighed regretfully. "We got into a fight about how you said that he's useless to the team. He was trying to get me to hand over my gun."

I facehoofed. "Why am I not surprised? He got jealous and started a fight... This is why he's useless to the team. Its
not because he can't shoot straight or because he doesn't have a weapon anymore, it's because he's an asshole who can't cooperate."

Silver sighed and looked away. "I know he's difficult, but can we please try to tolerate him? He saved my life back when Onyx attacked me... I can't just leave him behind..."

"That's what we're doing, aren't we?" I shrugged. "That's all I've done since be decided to tag along. Tolerated him. That's all I'll ever do for him."

Silver nodded, looking down at the ground. "I know, he doesn't deserve much more..."

"Try and wake him up," I said, gesturing to the unconscious pony. "We should probably leave soon."

"Alright, I'll... See if there's a source of water to dump on his head."

"The taps still work." Came a voice from behind me, and I turned to see Glaze with a dripping wet mane. "I'm not sure for how long they'll last without the power, but I was able to take a full shower."

I gulped and turned away, feeling my face warm up. "There you go, Silver. Go crazy."

He nodded and trotted off into the nearest room. I began to walk in the other direction, not sure where I was going, just knowing that I had to get away from the pony behind me. I'm so bucking pathetic...


I cringed and slowly turned my head. "Eh?"

"What's up?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly and shifted to face him. "Er... I Uh... I just... Think we should leave soon. It's early in the morning and we could still.... Have some cover?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same." He ran a hoof through his mane, trying to comb it out. "We're not too far from the Weather Factory now, we could probably make it there by nightfall, and attack under darkness."

I nodded and pawed at the ground, refusing to meet his eyes. If I look at his dumb eyes I'm probably going to end up doing something real stupid. "Do you have a plan?"

"Huh? You're the leader. That's your job. I mean, you've come up with most of our plans so far."

"Eh? I'm no leader." I looked away. "We're a team. We don't have a leader."

"I think by now we all know that you're the most capable of the job." He nudged me gently. "Face it, without you to keep the peace, we'd all be a fighting mess."

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