Chapter 5: Prototype

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I awoke to somepony violently shaking me, and I groaned and pushed them away, rolling over in my bed. "5 more minutes..." I breathed, pulling the covers back over my head.

"Myst, you have to come see this."

"Later..." I yawned.

"It has to do with your case, and it's damn important so get the buck out of bed and come take a look."

I opened my eyes, sitting up to look at Glaze. "Hm?"

"Come on, hurry up."

I shook myself and rolled out from under my sheets, following the pale yellow pegasus into his room.

He opened his laptop, where a video was already pulled up onscreen. "This video went viral on PonyTube this morning, and I was able to download it before it was taken down cause I knew it was something you'd want to see. It's only been a few hours since it was posted and the reports are already all over the news." He clicked the play button on the video and nodded towards the screen.

The shot looked as if it had been taken with a security camera, and by the looks of it, it was situated at the new Weather Factory. 4 workers were going around and minding their own business, doing their usual jobs. The scene looked so normal that I wondered what could ever go wrong. If it was taken down by PonyTube, something shocking must of happened in it...

"There. Look at the white mare."

My gaze turned to the pony that he had gestured to. She was carrying a large box across the view of the camera, before she tripped and fell, dropping the contents of the package across the floor. There was a loud crash as the box split open, and glass shattered everywhere. The white pony covered her head with her wings, blocking the shards from injuring her face. The three other ponies in the room yelped and took a few steps back.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Glaze cut me off.

"Wait..." He nodded at the screen.

One of the other ponies ran forwards to help the mare who had fallen. She pushed away the box, doing her best to sweep the shards of broken glass away from the scene.

"Are you okay?" The sound from the video wasn't the best quality, but the words were clear enough to hear if I strained my ears.

The white mare shook herself and got up, staring at the other pony in front of her with an intense gaze.

"Are you alright?" She repeated, but again, the white pony didn't answer.

Another stallion that had been shocked by the whole thing, finally came forwards and helped brushed the glass off of her wing. The white pony turned to look at him, then back at the mare. There was a strange grinding sound that resonated through the speakers. Then she struck the mare across the face, and the room erupted into chaos.

Everypony screamed at once. The mare that had been hit yelped and turned her face back towards the camera. Blood dripped profusely down her face, oozing out from a series of thick cuts that had appeared across the right side of her head. The white mare struck her again, and the other pony fell to the floor, half of her face torn open. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to scramble back to her feet, but her right eye was gone, and her vision must have been distorted, as she fell back onto her side and instead settled for dragging herself away from the pony who had gone berserk.

The white pony stomped over to her, her hooves making strange clicking sounds across the tile floor. with one swift movement, she brought her hoof down on her stomach, and I cringed as the stomp somehow gouged out a massive cavity in her body. The poor mare's screams were cut off as blood poured out of her mouth, staining the pristine white floor with splatters of gore.

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