Chapter 16: Afraid of Falling

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10131 words. This is a long one. Oops.


"Weapons on the floor," instructed one of the three guards that were escorting us to the top level of the facility.

I reluctantly placed my EMP onto the tile just outside the door to what appeared to be Tyra's office. The other mare dropped her gun in turn and Blueprint just held up his empty hooves in surrender.

"All of them," the other stallion insisted.

I cursed, and three pistols were layed out onto the floor.

"All of them."

I drew out my taser and held it up infront of his face. "We'll be keeping these."

The guard raised an eyebrow.

"I don't trust Tyra," I continued. "There's no way in hell I'm going in there at her mercy. Bug me all you want for it, but we're not going anywhere without them."

All three guards raised their guns, and I slowly picked mine up off the floor and trained it on Blueprint's head. I'd never actually shoot him of course, but Tyra's little army is under the impression that Blue is our prisoner, so it's probably a good idea to keep up that act, at least for now.

The door suddenly flung open, and Tyra stepped out, her eyes narrowed skeptically. She seemed unarmed for the most part, holding only a candle with the magic from her horn.

I lowered the gun, shoving it back into my belt. "So?"

The unicorn frowned. "Do you really have my brother?"

Blueprint shook off his hood. "I'm right here."

Relief flooded over her eyes. "You're safe... Dear Celestia, what are you doing here?"

Her tone was soft and she really did seem genuinely concerned. It's hard to believe that this is the pony who solely caused the downfall of a major Equestrian city.

Blueprint sighed quietly. "It's... It's a long story but-"

"You..." Tyra turned her gaze on me. "You hate the Rainbow Factory. You were suppose to keep him safe in Manehatten, and what do you do? You bring him here?!"

"You've killed half of Cloudsdale. Did you really expect me to just sit around?"

"You brought my brother to the most dangerous place in Equestria right now! He could have gotten killed!"

"Cloudsdale isn't dangerous," I spat. "You only made it that way. If you wanted to keep him safe you shouldn't have-"


We both turned to the colt, surprised at his harsh tone and raised voice. He frowned.

"Tyra, listen, I can't let you do this. I'm not their prisoner, I swear to god. They've been protecting me all this time so that I could get to you. You need to stop right now, and turn yourself in. Please..."

She narrowed her eyes. "Oh, not you too... Blueprint, don't you understand why I'm doing this all? You could have died by the hooves of the Rainbow Factory... They were coming to kill you, and this had to be done to stop it! I'm going to build a better Equestria where nothing like the Rainbow Factory will ever exist again!"

"Ty, I don't care. I don't care if they were after me, just please shut the Prototypes down... If you're doing this for me, then you'll understand that I don't want this! This isn't helping at all, you're just making things worse!" He reasoned, lifting his hooves into the air.

Awoken 3:  An Endless NightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora