Chapter 13: Mission Impossible

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Here, have an early chapter. Hope it makes up for the late one last time. I apologize for the uneventful beginning of this chapter, but it gets more exciting as time goes on, I promise.


"You can stay here for now. Settle yourselves in." Commander Deadshot shoved the two of us towards a rusty iron door. "It's the only room that has extra space. This base wasn't meant to hold large capacities of ponies, only a few at a time. We're having trouble fitting our team in here as it is," she muttered. "Your stallion buddies are in the room down the hall. You can visit them if you want, but none of you will be allowed your weapons back until you leave the bunker."

I narrowed my eyes, settling my gaze on Deadshot's machine gun, which she hadn't put down since we first met her. "So what exactly do you call that?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "If you didn't know, I'm the Factory's weapons engineer. I deserve some privileges for all the shit I've had to create in the last few days. Ever since the Prototype attack hit, my schedule has been stock full."

A weapons engineer, huh? Well that would explain a lot.

"So wait, you're allowed to walk around with your fancy-ass machine gun, while we're restricted from weapons access all together?"

Deadshot nodded. "It's protocol. You're under the same rules as everypony else here. Dash and I are the only exceptions. That being said, you better respect the two of us. We're the leaders."

"If I recall correctly, we don't work under you," I frowned. "Apparently I've been ranked leader of my own party, which technically makes me the same level as you."

"That's not how it works around here, honey. Talk to Dash if you have complaints. I'll let her decide what to do with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some important work to get done. Lots of it, in fact. Bullets ain't gonna make themselves."

The pale blue-green mare stalked off, her gun trailing behind her in a cloud of green sparkles. I stuck my tongue out at her when she was finally out of view, causing Amber to giggle slightly.

"Bitch," I muttered under my breath, shoving open the door to the room. I nodded for Amber to enter, then shut the slab of iron behind us. Hmph, I expected to be alone.

3 other ponies sat on the stacks of bunk beds that were pressed up against every corner of the room. I surveyed the face of each mare wearily, before frowning and setting my bag down on an empty bunk.

"You take the top," I whispered to Amber. "With my restless sleeping, I'll surely fall off if I sleep up there."

The filly nodded and climbed the ladder, and the bed creaked as she flopped down on the mattress.

I glanced around the room, meeting the glares of the other ponies that occupied the space. It's doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the members of FEARED aren't exactly going to be the most popular entities in the base. After all, we are the reason that their group is so small.

I dumped my bag onto the bottom bunk. It's a little intimidating that we're going to have to sleep in the same room as these ponies. They already don't seem to like us, and I don't quite trust them either.

"I'm going to see the guys," I said quietly, changing my mind and flinging my bag back over my shoulder. Amber peeked her head over the side of the bunk and jumped down.

"I'll come with you!" She bounded up beside me and matched my pace as I shut our room door and continued down the hall.

Deadshot didn't give us the exact room number, but it was was obvious which one held the 4 stallions from the yelling that I could hear through the door. They're such goofs, dear Celestia, what have they gotten themselves into now?

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