Chapter 10: Nothing's Ever Easy

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(A/N: Please stop correcting my typos in the comments. I know my editing isn't always the best, but it's downright annoying and completely pointless, since I don't go back and fix minor mistakes after the chapter is published.)


"Dad? Dad? Chrystal?!"


"Ty?! Tyra!"


All four of us called out names as we pushed our way through the crowd of Cloudsdale refugees. Ponies were piling in through the hastily set up metal detectors that the police had placed at the city gates, and the crowd was so dense that I was getting a little overwhelmed. I hate large crowds in general, but this is ridiculous. The only thing keeping me sane was the thought that our loved ones might be somewhere in here, the hope that they made it out safely. There would surely still be hundreds trapped in the streets of Cloudsdale with those 123 Prototypes...

"Chrystal! Omigosh, thank Celestia, you're okay, where's dad?"

My gaze snapped to the two sisters just in time to see them embrace in a hug. "I'm not sure," replied Chrystal, a worried expression gracing her features. "I was at the academy when the attack first hit, and all of us were ushered out of the town before I could go back to see if he was okay. I haven't seen him yet, but he's here, he's got to be..."

Amber averted her eyes, distressed. "Please let him be alright..."

"I'm sure he's fine," I cut in. "There's thousands of ponies here already, and more piling out by the minute, so there's a good chance that he might already have made it out."

Chrystal looked up at me and nodded, then glanced back down at Amber with a startled expression. "Hold on, what are you guys doing here?! Why aren't you back in Manehatten...?"

"Long story," I said quickly. "Mostly to check if everyone's safe, all four of us have friends or family here."

"All... four?"

I nodded, looking back at Blueprint, who was alone. Great, we lost Glaze somewhere in the crowd. He probably didn't want to waste time talking and went to find his own family, which I don't exactly blame him for, but now it's going to be next to impossible to find him again.

"Wait, Blueprint? What are you-"

"Again, long story," He interrupted her. "I'm looking for my sister, have you seen her by any chance?"

"I've never met your sister, I'm sorry," said Chrystal quietly. "Can you describe her for me? I'll keep a lookout-"

"It's alright," I said quickly, grabbing the scruff of Blueprint's hoodie and pulling him out of earshot.

"Blue, you can't just go around asking for Tyra, she was on the damn news and is the cause of all this! Keep in on the down low, if ponies find out that she's your sister we're going to have one hell of a problem on our hooves."

"But... But I want to know if she's alright-"

"Blueprint, for Celestia's sake, just accept the fact that she's the culprit. You saw it for yourself, on the broadcast. She activated all of the Prototypes, and now Cloudsdale is a bloodbath. The chances of her being out here are 0 to none. She's got to be in the city, commanding the Prototypes from the inside."

"I..." He sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right... But... Am I ever even going to see her again? This all happened so suddenly, did she... abandon me? Does she even care about me anymore? We were so close before this whole thing started, and now I don't even know who she is anymore... The Ty that I knew would never hurt anypony..."

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