Chapter 6: Guilt and Deception

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt great. Amber's coming today, and I'll get more information, coming one step closer to solving the case... One step closer to getting this damn thing over with...

For the first time in months, I wasn't tired when I got up, and I wasted no time brushing my teeth and mane, taking a quick shower, and trotting downstairs to eat breakfast and watch the news. It's the weekend, which means that I don't have to worry about the responsibility of work. I know I'm going to need some kind of valid explanation for why I skipped the last few days, but I'll deal with that later.

There was no new information about the Prototype case on the Cloudsdale station, unfortunately. The reporter mentioned it a few times, but she had only repeated what I had already known.

I lay back against the couch, waiting eagerly for Amber (and possibly Blueprint, for that matter) to arrive. Rolling over impatiently, I stretched myself out, trying to get comfortable. I can be a patient pony when I want to be, but now is not one of those times. If she doesn't arrive soon, I'm going to scream.


I jumped up eagerly at the sound of the doorbell and practically ran to the front door, flinging it open in excitement. "Hey-..."

I paused mid-sentence, puzzled. Judging from the other mare's expression, both of us were disappointed that we weren't looking at who we were hoping to see.

The unicorn in front of me was a pale violet, and she had a deep burgundy mane that was tied back in a high ponytail. A bundle of crimson roses poked out of her saddlebag, and I wrinkled my nose at the sight. I hate roses. They're pretty, sure, but the smell is absolutely terrible, and my mother deducted that I was allergic to them from a young age. The mare gave me a disgusted look as the shock faded, and eyed me suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?"

I narrowed my eyes and gave her a puzzled look. "...I live here."

"No you don't." She stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "This is WoodenToaster's house."

I narrowed me eyes further and let out a growl of frustration. "No, this is my house. WoodenToaster is my lazy-ass roommate."

"Ahem. Well, then I suppose you wouldn't mind calling him down for me, hm?" She raised a hoof, shooing me off in an annoying gesture that made me want to smack her across the face.

I closed my eyes, then forced a noticing sarcastic smile and glanced over my shoulder. "Oh Glaze? Some bitch wants to see you?"

Behind me, the mare cleared her throat, and I flipped her off without looking at her. It's her fault for behind an air-headed twat. If she had been nice to me from the start, I would have gladly called him down without a problem, but she decided to go all bitch-mode on me, and I ain't tolerating that shit.

Finally, the yellow pegasus appeared from upstairs, and made a slitting motion with his hoof across his throat. Tell her I'm not home, he mouthed silently.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the violet mare, who was thoroughly pissed. "He says he isn't home," I stated bluntly. There was an audible smack from behind me as Glaze facehoofed.

"Go. And. Get him." She hissed, and I shot her another sarcastic smile and held her gaze as I yelled back for the other pony to come to the door.


There was a growl of frustration from up the stairs, and he glared at me as he made his way down. Pushing past me, he put on a winning smile and gladly took the bouquet of flowers from the mare. Then he just thanked her, retreated back inside, and slammed the door in her face.

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