Chapter 7: Access Granted

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The sound of four pairs of hooves on pavement echoed throughout the large entrance room of the premises. Massive stone walls and high ceilings towered above our heads, and the receptionist, who was seated at a desk behind a barrier of shatter-proof glass, looked up and scowled at us as we entered. Overall, it was a daunting place. It's easy to tell that this is definitely home to some of the worst ponies in all of Equestria.

We had left early that morning with no time to spare, bounding the train to the coastal city at dawn. Arriving here around noon, we had wasted no time in making our way to the heart of the town, where we'd find our first stop. Fillydelphia super-prison.

Blueprint had donned a pale blue hoodie in a lazy attempt to cover his bandages, and Amber was none the wiser. It wasn't unusual for a pony to wear a hoodie around a big city like this. Glaze does it to hide his identity. I did it sometimes back in Manehatten just for the comfort it gives me.

It was now that I glanced over at the shifty earth pony, who looked extremely uncomfortable in this unsafe new environment. "Calm down Blue, it's maximum security. Nopony's going to hurt you."

The colt looked uneasy, but shook his head and shrugged my statement off as we approached the main desk, where the receptionist was still viewing us wearily.

"Can I help you?"

I nodded, straightening my police cap on my head. "We're here to see Rainbow Dash."

The other pony glanced down at her guestbook, then shook her head. "I don't have anypony booked in for a visit. You can't just barge your way in without booking a slot beforehoof. We need to know you're coming."

"When's the soonest slot we can get?"

"A week today," she deadpanned, not looking up from the paperwork she was filling out. "We need a week's notice so that we can run a thorough background check."

I frowned. "A background check? What if we personally know the pony? Can't you just ask them for information?"

She shook her head again. "You need to book. I'll book you in for next Sunday, what's your name?"

"Hmph..." I sighed, looking back at Glaze for help. He shrugged. I don't think there's really anything we can do to change it. "Name's Mystery. Moonlight Mystery. All four of us will be visiting, so the rest are WoodenToaster, Amber Strike, and-"

The mare looked up for the first time since we had entered. "Hold on a second, you said your name was... Moonlight Mystery?"

I nodded.

"You're the reason Rainbow Dash is in jail in the first place."

I nodded again, a spark of hope rising in my chest. "Yeah. Me and him and her." I pointed to each of us in turn.

"Why exactly, may I ask, do you want to see her?"

"There's another case I'm investigating. Similar to the one that put Dash in the slammer."

"Cloudsdale Police Force, hm? And you're an officer now?"

I glanced up at my hat. "Well, sort of... Not officially, but I'd like to become one."

She shrugged, looking the four of us up and down one more time. "I'll grant you specialty clearance, just this one time, but you'll have to book an appointment if you want to come again. Don't tell anypony I let you in, I could get into big trouble."

"Thank you so much..." I shot her a grateful smile, tipping my hat in gratitude.

"Please step through the detector to your right. If you have any metal jewelry or accessories, you'll have to leave them out here. You'll be asked to empty your pockets too. I'll call in some guards to escort you to Rainbow Dash's cell. She's prisoner 3273."

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