Chapter 12

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"Let's go, Taube!

It's been a week since I arrived in Rosa Marie, and since then, I've been quite active. I now work in the local market, selling the townsfolk fruits, vegetables, and anything else it procures from the farmers that reside here and in other villages. Of course, I've learned to "manage my attitude", as the woman running the market said to me once. Supposedly, we'd lose customers if I kept acting like that. Well, if they want food, they better deal with it! At least, that's my logic.

I also got some time to really bond with Taube, who I recently figured out is a she. I wasn't too surprised, considering the way she acted around me all the time, but that behavior could go either way. Nonetheless, it was nice to have someone I could talk to without having to risk my secrets being spilled to the general public.

Miss Hanji has been really kind and understanding as well. She's been like a... friend. She always knows how to comfort me when I get upset over my situation with the prince. That, and she always guides me in the right direction, no matter what the occasion is, or how absurd.

Speaking of absurd, I find it downright strange, still, that she believes my story. It's not like I'm lying and desperately trying to get away with it, because it's true, but I'm surprised she sees it that way. To be totally honest, if I was in her position, having found a man who looks homeless in my workplace, telling me they were the prince's personal servant and that he had run away and was in desperate need of shelter, I doubt I would believe them.

I was pulled out of my thoughts abruptly when I felt Taube nipping on the leg of my pants, eager to leave Miss Hanji's house. Apparently, I had called her and forgotten, because she wouldn't be here for any other reason.

"Alright, alright, I know, I know, we're going." I then called to Miss Hanji as I closed the door behind me after stepping out. "I'll be back just before sundown!"

"I know that, silly! It's been like this for a week now!"

I heard her laugh loudly through the door as I walked down the cobblestone street of the village. She was quite crazy, in my opinion, if I haven't mentioned it before. Not once in my life have I met a woman so... disrespectful, for lack of better words. She was nice, don't get me wrong, but she always stated the obvious, she always was very loud and somewhat cynical... she was strange.

When Taube and I finally arrived at the market, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what was plastered on the concrete side.


[A/N] Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in five-ever, and for the fact that this update is only a filler. I've had small medical issues since Thursday, and it threw my schedule off.

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