Chapter 15

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'It's him.'

It took me a while to finally figure it out, but once I did, I was horrified. I wasn't even sure that such a thing was even possible beforehand, but now that I've seen the aftermath with my own two eyes, there's not a fiber left in my body that will deny it.

The "supernatural killer" and the one who murdered these victims are one and the same.

The wounds they all sustained are the exact same in every way. They posses the same size, shape, location... naturally, anyone would assume they were killed by the same thing. Or, in this case, person. And speaking of, I'm curious as to whom this killer is after. The advertisement I saw made it seem like he was after the prince, but it wouldn't have announced the two cases with the word "meanwhile" if that were true. They took place at the same time, but aren't connected.

Am I safe in assuming this, though? I could act as if the prince is still alive and safe, but he may not be either. If he's even alive, he's missing. This would mean he's most likely alone, and because of that, in more danger than he knows. He's a stubborn man who often refuses to believe he depends on people, but sometimes it can be his largest weakness rather than his strength.

This doesn't mean I doubt his capability to defend himself, though. I just with he had someone with him to defend him. I would be there by his side, but after what I've done, I have a strong feeling he won't want to see my face.

I had just about reached the end of my train of thought when I felt Taube rubbing up against me. I looked down, slightly dismayed, and knelt down to her level. She gave me a look that gave me the impression she was attempting to console me, but her efforts were in vain. While I wasn't known to be an emotional person, I couldn't help but feel hatred towards the beast that murdered seemingly innocent people.

I decided to head back to Taube's and my little area, but I realized that I no longer had the firewood in my hands. I wondered where the pile had gone, and I looked around, but luckily I found the pile a couple of feet away from the first victim I inspected. I figured it was likely I dropped the firewood in the shock of finding bodies in the dead of winter, in the middle of a forest.

Retrieving the pile of logs, I followed Taube as she led me back to where we first decided to stop and rest. When I arrived, we dropped the firewood, intentionally this time. I put them into group, and then realized I had no tinder. I figured it wasn't necessary, but I knew it would be nice to have some to start the fire quicker. I searched around for something that would work, but nothing came to me.

Deciding to look in the clothes, I picked up the spare set of clothes for anything that would catch fire as quick as paper, but found nothing. I didn't search the suit at first, knowing I had put nothing of the sort in any pocket, but I checked anyway, for my curiosity was too strong to not let me.

I searched every pocket for any sign of paper, but alas. There was no such thing to be found. My hopes plummeted quickly, and I went to turn away to start the fire without any tinder, but something caught my eye. I leaned closer, now curious yet again, and I found a single bit of paper wedged into the area where a cufflink was intended to be. Why a cufflink wasn't there was simply because I despised the distracting accessory.

I slowly removed the crumpled piece of paper, as if it were a fragile object that could break if moved too quickly. I then hesitantly unfolded the paper to release the contents from it's unorganized prison. Once the bit of paper was completely flat again, I saw that there was writing on it.

"You'll see me again. Stay safe. -Hanji"

I let out a sigh at her message. Not in ager or irritation, but rather... I couldn't find the right word. I was thankful for her kindness, how she helped me, a suspicious stranger... maybe what I felt was regret. Maybe I regretted troubling her like I did. Or maybe I regretted the way I acted towards her. I didn't go out of my way to be kind, but I didn't make any effort to be purposely rude to her, either.

Maybe the right word was... sadness. That could be it. I felt a terribly tugging in my heart at the words I saw before me. I ran away again, once more playing the part of the coward, while she dealt with all of my problems for me. I was so dependent upon her, and she did everything with compassion in her heart, but all I did was run. It was embarrassing. What made it worse is that I was about to burn the heartfelt note she wrote me.

Though what she said was intriguing. "You'll see me again"...? I had no idea when, why, how, or where such a thing could occur, but if I could keep her out of my problems next time around, that would be preferable.

I huffed and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath afterwards. There was no sense in keeping a little note, I knew that much. In the worst case scenario, it could give information away to the right party about my whereabouts and Miss Hanji's involvement in my little game of runaway. I didn't see it as a game, but unfortunately, I guessed that most people would disagree.

I put the piece of paper into the pocket in my trousers and traded it for the box of matches I also held inside. I struck a match, and then let the box fall to the ground as to get it out of my way. Taking my other hand, I took out the piece of paper, a few mere seconds after putting it in there. I looked back and forth between the rapidly burning match and the piece of paper, but after a few seconds of thinking, recollecting, remembering, I lit the paper.

It caught fire quickly, and I tossed it into the pile of logs. I watched as the fire grew larger and more intense. When the flames reached about half my height, which I was surprised to see, I grabbed the clothes I brought and threw them in, the clothes Miss Hanji gave me going first. I was heartbroken to see them go, as she went through the trouble to get them and not raise suspicion, but the feeling was magnified when I laid my eyes on my suit.

The suit I was about to burn had been my signature apparel in the manor. It was the thing I held second-most dear to my heart, only to be beaten by the prince himself. I had treasured it, unlike anything else I owned. To see it be burned to nothing but ash and dust hurt me in a way I never imagined it could. So much so, I almost refused to throw it in the fire.

But I knew I couldn't let it get to me. I was supposed to be heartless. It was the only way I could keep myself emotionally stable, to keep anyone stable, to make sure the manor ran how it should. A simple suit wasn't supposed to tug at me like I was losing a child.

I closed my eyes and looked away, and only then did the wool meet the flames. I heard it crackle along with the other clothes I received, and I was hurt. All I could do was murmur to myself in shame of letting these things go.

Stiffly, I trotted over to the nearest tree and leaned against it, using my arm to shield my face. I closed my eyes tight, my muscles tensing. Yes, the flames were hot, but... even if it was only Taube in my presence...

Having even a single soul see tears on my face was unacceptable.

As much as I wanted to resist, there was a whole new part of me that wanted to let go, to cry, sob, seethe with rage and hatred and sadness, to finally let all of my bottled up emotions run wild and free. It took everything in me to keep myself from doing so, but I could not stop the inevitable; in mere moments, tears flooded my face, and I was reminded with what and who I left behind.

"Damn it... damn it all... here I am, crying at the sight of clothes being burned, and yet I can't weep over the disappearance of my prince... what kind of servant am I? No... what kind of person am I? I don't deserve anything but a fiery deathbed in Hell..."

I felt a hand on my head.

"Don't beat yourself up. We'll find him together, Sir Ackerman."


[A/N] The Pokémon fandom is consuming me and I'm liking it someone halp- 

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