[Chapter 1] Dear Nev

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, long story short, there was a Catfish marathon yesterday and I absolutely fell in love with the show =P so, I thought, why not make a Smosh fanfic? I want you guys to read the first chapter and tell me if I should continue, I'm still shaky on the idea and I'm not sure if I should do it...so, I hope you enjoy, and if you don't, that's okay too. Thanks! -rac06h10ael


"Dear Nev,

I've been in this so called 'online relationship' with this guy named Ian. Now, my situation's a little strange because...he and I already know each other. And we act like friends in public, because he has a girlfriend. But, online, we're, in a sense, dating. We've been talking online for almost two years, and it all started with a Facebook message he sent me.

I really like him, and I always have. And I don't think he'd lie to me. I trust him. And what's weird is that when I try to talk to him about it in person without his girlfriend, he acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

I'm starting to think someone's messing with me...and I want this to stop. He's the only one I feel understands me as well as he does, and it kills me to see him act like we don't have romantic feelings for each other.

Please help me, Nev.


Holly Pascilla."

I sent the email and leaned back in my office chair. I hope he would help me...because my life's going to waste.

Let me tell you the whole story in as little words as I can.

I met Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla when I was transferred into their biology class in sixth grade and forced to work with them. They welcomed me gladly, and we became best friends. We'd all hang out after school and play videos and eat little Totino's pizza rolls.

Eighth grade was when things got really bad for me. I was constantly being bullied by the other students at school, Ian and Anthony were the only ones who stopped me from hurting myself. My parents didn't know about any of this, they were too busy worrying about my older sister, Brenda, who was going into college. Boys at school called me ugly. Anthony always seemed to think I was the prettiest of them all. The girls wouldn't let me sit with them at lunch because I was a freak. Luckily I had lunch with Anthony and Ian and they let me sit with them. I tried to live up to the girls' and boys' expectations, which was a big mistake that regret to this day. I changed my hair color constantly. I went from my natural rich, dark brunette hair to blonde to black to red to green and now it's a nice, royal blue color. I starved myself to fit in with the skinny ass girls, but Ian and Anthony found out and made me eat. I've come a long way since my school years, but sometimes I still go without eating a meal because of habit and I kept my colorful hair.

When Ian found Melanie in 2007, Anthony and I were left in the dust. Ian moved to her lunch table and Anthony and I sat alone. I always had a thing for Ian...his bowl hair cut, his brilliant blue eyes...I was devastated when they started to date. It broke my heart. But it did result in Anthony and I spending a lot of time together in high school.

He and I became really great friends. We even went to prom together...but just as friends. That night, I had my first kiss with Anthony. It was sweet and all, but I still really liked Ian. On graduation day, Anthony and I sat next to each each other because our last names were alphabetically close: Padilla and Pascilla. Hell, they even sounded almost the same. Teachers always mixed them up because we had almost every class together. Back to graduation, we watched as Ian would constantly look back, but at Melanie. She's nice, don't get me wrong, but Ian's completely infatuated with her! She's all he thinks and talks about!

That night, Anthony and Ian had a huge party at their house. Of course, Ian and Melanie sneaked off somewhere, leaving Anthony and I alone again. We were sitting on the pool edge when Anthony told me that he liked me. I was flattered, but I still really liked Ian.

I did and still do feel bad for putting him down all those times. I mean, sure, we stayed friends. But it'd be like a roller coaster, we'd start over every time he said something like that and build up again. And it'd start all over again. And he was my friend, so I felt really guilty after I said I didn't feel the same way. I do feel a little romantic feelings for him, but I see him more like a brother.

Then, in 2010, I was on Facebook one day on my laptop in my apartment. I got a new message from Ian. It read: Can we talk over text?

Of course I replied with the answer of yes. I grabbed my phone and we began texting back and forth. He told me that he and Melanie were fighting and he could really use a friend to talk to. So, we started talking, and he sent me this text: I really like you, Holly.

I gasped. I did too, but should I respond so quickly? Of course, I did saying: I like you too.

And ever since that night, Ian and I talk for hours over social media, except during the day, especially when he was with Melanie.

The weird thing was, he totally friend zoned me when we were in public. Like, he wouldn't even sit near me without me sitting next to him. And when I talked to him about it when Melanie wasn't around, he didn't know what I would be talking about. He'd always deny that he said those things, and he was a really good actor because he said it with a look of innocence.

Little did I know that I wasn't texting and messaging Ian...but someone else.

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