[Chapter 4] Birthday Wishes

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-Holly's POV-

Anthony and Ian were having a pool party/barbecue to celebrate Anthony's birthday. Joey and I walked over together and were warmly welcomed.

I asked Ian if I could use the bathroom to change into my swimsuit, you know, because of all of my insecurities. He said of course.

I walked into the hallway and grabbed the bathroom's knob, only to find it locked. I looked to the right and saw Anthony's bedroom door was opened. So I ran into it, closing the door behind me. I laid my bag down on the bed as I began to strip my clothes that were covering my swimsuit off.

I turned around to look in the mirror, only to be displeased by the person looking back at me. The person was overweight and busting out of the black bikini she wore.

My attention was averted from the ugly figure in the mirror when the door knob rattled and the door swung open. I covered my body with my hands as if I were nude. Anthony walked through the doorway and froze.

"Get out!" I screamed.

"It's my room." He argued as he walked past me to get to his dresser.

"I closed the door for a reason." I remarked as I turned around to face him.

"Why?" He asked. Then he laughed, realizing he already knew the answer. "You look gorgeous. What do you have to hide?"

"What are you talking about? I'm fat and hideous."

Anthony rolled his eyes, "Holly, just for tonight, can you think of yourself as the beautiful person I know you are? That's all I want for my birthday: for you to love yourself and not to worry about your weight or appearance. Is that too much to ask?"

I gulped, "I suppose."

He smirked, "Thanks, Holly." Anthony leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek, pulling back really slowly.

I pushed a piece of my blue hair behind my ear and walked out of his room, freaked out. He followed me out.

There wasn't a lot of people to show up for his party. There was Joey and I, Ian and Melanie, Ian's mom, and Anthony's two brothers.

After eating dinner and opening the presents we got him, it was time for cake. We all surrounded the card table that was outside where Ian's mom was lighting the candles on the store-bought cake. We all began to sing as Anthony blushed and sat down in the chair.

"Make a wish, Anthony!" Ian, Joey, and I exclaimed in unison.

He took a big breath and blew all of the candles out in one puff. We clapped as Ian's mon cut the cake into small, square pieces. She handed us all a plate and we dispersed.

I was sitting in the hot tub, picking at my piece of cake when Anthony joined me.

"Eat up, Holly." He told me.

I placed the plate on the wide edge of the hot tub. "I'm not hungry."

He frowned, "You know you're not fat, Holly."

I didn't respond, just stare at the steaming water in front of me.

"You want to know what I wished for?"

"If you tell me, it won't come true." I reminded him.

"I don't care. I wished for you to be happier."

I looked up at him, "Why? I'm happy just the way I am."

He looked at me for a while and then sighed, "You're perfect, Holly."

I smiled, "You really think that?"

He nodded his head. "I always have. From the day I first met you."

I wanted to cry, no one's ever told me that. But I held back. "Thanks."

-Anthony's POV-

I watched her bring her knees to her chest and rest her head on them. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I knew she would do the same thing she's done every time I've tried to kiss her - push me away and tell me she's waiting for Ian to sweep her off her feet.

What did she see in Ian? He was stupid, not as attractive as me, and was already taken! By Melanie!

Had he been by her side through thick and thin? No, he's been with Melanie. I'm the one who's been by her side.

I watched as she stared off in the distance, the lights from the hot tub reflecting off the surface of the water and glittering in her eyes.

I felt guilty. I've lied to her so much. About my wish...about my identity online... I couldn't tell her I'd wished for her to finally realize it's me who she wants.

"It's a lovely night for your party." She stated.

"Yeah." I agreed with her. "How's the whole...Ian online thing going?"

She looked at me like I was insane, "What do you mean?" She nodded her head back. I looked over and saw Melanie and Ian walk by. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I heard you're on that Catfish show." I remarked, trying to spark a conversation with her.

"Yeah." She murmured. She turned her head to me. "I just feel like someone wants me to be hap..." Her eyes opened wide and she rushed out of the hot tub and right out of our backyard.

"Holly!" I screamed. She didn't hesitate to rush out of the backyard, slamming the gate door behind her.

Joey hopped in and sat across from me, "So, enjoying your birthday party?"

I sighed and stabbed my cake, "Yeah."

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