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Alright, so depending on how long you've been following me and how recent you read this book, I promised a sequel. I started one and then deleted it due to lack of inspiration. But, someone (specifically @kalelthony_melian_) has given me an idea and I'm going to try and write the sequel again! But it's going to be slightly different.

Okay, I lied. It's going to be A LOT different than the last one. I believe the last one was named "Ambivalent". The new one is called "CATFISH - PART TWO" (clever, right? ;D). And of course there's going to be a new cover.

It's going to be the same characters: Anthony, Ian, Holly, Joey, maybe even Nev and Max. I'll probably even introduce Melanie and Kalel.

Anyways, I hope you're as excited as I am for this sequel!



CATFISH - PART ONE (Smosh Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now