[Chapter 8] You've Got to Move On

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-Holly's POV-

"Ian." I greeted, pushing a piece of my blue hair behind my ear. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about your situation. With Anthony." I looked at the ground, I couldn't stand looking Ian in the eye. "And I wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Why?" I retorted, glancing up briefly. "It wasn't your fault that Anthony did this."

"It kind of is." He walked past me and into the living room, plopping down on the couch. "Sure, Anthony had no right in doing that to you. But, I mean, just...all those years I never knew you liked me in a romantic kind of way. You could've just said something."

I crossed my arms and turned around. "You were with Melanie all the time. And when I did bring it up to you, you'd tell me I was insane. Or going crazy."

"I didn't understand the situation back then, Holly!"

I sighed, "It doesn't matter anymore. You and Melanie are inseparable. And Anthony, I could give less of a fuck about. I'm meant to be alone forever."

"That's not true." He stood up, gripping my upper arms gently. "You're a wonderful person. And though I don't see you more than a friend, someone out there does."

"Yeah, Anthony." I remarked moodily.

His lip quivered as if he was going to regret saying whatever he was going to say. "Why can't you give him a chance then? You know I don't feel that way, and you know he does. So why not?"

"He lied to me, Ian. Why does no one understand my hatred for that?!? What if...say those Ianthony fanfictions and ships were true, huh? And Anthony pretended to be some other girl you found more interesting than Melanie over the Internet. And then out of the blue he told you he was what's-her-name? How would you feel?"

"I'm confused."

I stomped my foot. "Never mind. I don't know how to explain it, Ian. But what he did hurt me more than he thought it would. And I don't know if I can forgive him for that..."

He sighed, "Look, Holly. Anthony's a real dick. And what he did is unexplainable. But I love you as a friend, and you've got to get over me. Melanie and I...I love her. I'm happy with her. And I want you to be happy too, with some other guy than me to make you happy."

I bit my lip. I didn't want to believe a single word that slipped out of his mouth. But he was right. If I want to be happy, like he is with Melanie, I've got to move on.

He kissed my cheek. "Just think about it, Holly." He patted my shoulder and walked out of the house.

-Nev's POV-

Max and I were driving from the hotel we were staying at and going to Anthony's house.

"What's the plan again?" I asked Max after he turned on the camera.

"So, we're going to Anthony's house. Then all of us, the crew, us, and him, are going to go to Holly's and let him talk to her, see if he can make her change her mind about this. Because, inevitably, they already have something. It's just..."

"Holly's not taking this all too well." I finished his sentence.

"Exactly." He agreed with me. "And this show is meant to make love connections, right?"

"Or mend broken hearts." I reminded Max, glancing over at him quickly and then returning my attention to the road.

Max sighed. "This situation's just so...different than all the others. She found out who the guy was even without us showing her the proof! It's just...wow..."

"I know right?" I pulled into Anthony's driveway, only to be followed by the camera crew. We walked up to his door. Max held the camera while I knocked. Anthony answered the door and looked surprised to see us.

"Hey!" I greeted. "Do you think we can come in? We have some news."

"Uh, sure." Anthony stepped to the side and let us in. We sat down on the couch and Anthony sat adjacent to us. He seemed more...put together today.

"So," Anthony started, "What's the news?"

"Well, we want you to go talk to Holly today." Max answered him. "You know, see if you can make things any better between you guys. And then if that fails, Nev and I will give it a shot."

"That sounds like a great plan guys, but, Holly doesn't like me right now. She hates me. I don't think she's going to be willing to talk to me."

"Alright, then how about we soften her up first and then you can talk to her." I compromised.

He put his head in his hands. "I don't see why you're still trying to help us. I fucked up, okay? All we need is time and I'm sure things will work out."


"Please, guys, I know you want to help, but...her and I just need some time apart." He told us, standing up. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go do some stuff in the backyard. I'd like you to leave." And he walked out of the house.

I turned to Max. "What are we going to do?"

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the camera crew, who all did the same thing.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the slow updates on this story. I just...basically get inspiration when I watch the show =P If any of you are Ianthony shippers, I want to apologize if I offended you in this chapter, it wasn't my intention. Honestly. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! I'll be working on this story as much as I can, I have a lot of other stories that are in the making and it's difficult to do them all at once. What's in store for Holly and Anthony? And what will the CATFISH crew do now? All I can tell you is you have to wait and see =) Love you all! Thanks for all the reads! -rac06h10ael

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