[Chapter 6] Moving Out of the Friend Zone

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-Anthony's POV-

I was sitting on the couch, staring at the blackness of the flat-screen television. I wasn't myself after Holly's and my huge blow out. She refused to pick up my calls. She'd only come over to help Ian with whatever he needed help with, and even then, she wouldn't make eye contact with me. I made a huge mistake when I first messaged Holly as Ian back in 2010...

Back in 2010...

Ian and Melanie went out on a date. The house was lonely and quiet and I was starting to get paranoid, so I invited Holly over. She happily accepted and was over in seconds.

We put on our favorite movie - Blades of Glory. She seemed really...out of it while we were watching it. Usually, she and I were laughing our asses off and having a blast. But tonight she was quiet, and she wasn't eating the popcorn I made.

"Holly?" She turned her head towards me, "Are you alright?"

She was quick to respond with her quiet but stern, "Yes."

I gulped, "Is something upsetting you?"

She nodded her head, "Will you promise not to tell anyone?" I shook my head in agreement. She sighed, "So, you know how I've had a Facebook for a while, right? So, Ian has been bombing my news feed with pictures of him and Melanie." Holly stopped herself before continuing, "And I just can't...take it anymore."

"Take what?"

I could see that water forming in her eyes, "He...he drives me crazy, Anthony. And I know I shouldn't be telling you this, because you're a guy and friends with Ian and all, but I just...if I could have one wish in the world, it would be for Ian and me to have a chance. Even if it failed, just give me one damn perfect day with him." She looked up into my eyes, "That's all I want. Is that too much to ask for?"

I shook my head, "No."

She hugged me and rested her head on my chest, "I'm glad to have a non-related brother like you, Anthony."

I sighed, there she goes again with the friend zone.

She left around three in the morning. That's when I fled to the office and turned on the computer. I had an ingenious idea that might work, or totally blow up in my face.

I opened Facebook and clicked the "create an account" button. I made one that looked just like Ian's, just that the status was single instead of in a relationship with Melanie.

I opened up his page too and started to post all of the pictures he had already on there. Then I started following all of the people he followed. On his page, I posted a comment saying that "I" was creating a personal account that they all should go follow. And soon enough, the followers on my fake profile began to fill up. I sat back and watched as they rolled in. Within a half an hour, I had all of the followers. I deleted the comment on his page and then logged out.

I went to Holly's page and left her a comment. Saying that I wanted to talk over the phone through texts. I told her I changed my number to avoid Melanie, saying we had a huge fight. She responded yes almost instantaneously.

We texted back and forth all night. I told her I liked her. She told me she liked "me" back, and that's when it all started.

Back to Present Day...

Ian walked across the room, back and forth, trying to get my attention. Melanie was away this weekend to go visit her family; she left right after the party. That left Ian to bug me all weekend, and regarding just what happened between Holly and me, I was going to hate this Saturday and Sunday.

"Okay, dude, what happened!?!" Ian shouted at me, putting his hands on his hips and stopping right in front of the fireplace.

"You're obstructing my vision." I mumbled deeply.

"Do you think I care? No. So what happened when you went to go give Holly her stuff?" He inquired as he sat beside me on the couch.

I groaned as I lay down, curling up into a ball on the cushion I was sitting on.

"Who's a good Anthony and is going to tell Ian what happened?" He teased as he began to poke my side.

I slapped his hand, "Don't ever say that again." I warned.

"Come on!" He whined, "I want to help you feel better!"

"I'll feel better if you..."

Just then the doorbell rang. I glared at Ian who got up and answered it.

"Hi. We're from Catfish: The TV Show. Is this the residence of...Anthony Padilla?" An eerily familiar voice echoed into the living room.

"Uh...yes. Why?" Ian stupidly answered.

"Well, we'd like to speak to him. About Holly Pascilla."

I gasped as I sat up from my fetal position. Why on earth would they...? Shit.

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