[Chapter 9] The New Light

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-Anthony's POV-

I picked up the hose as I looked over the fence. I saw Holly was in her backyard - her blue hair was easy to spot out. She was standing there with Joey, they were grilling something. She was smiling and laughing. Part of me was sad. Very sad. She was the best thing that ever happened to me - and I just jeopardized that.

-Holly's POV-

I was standing beside Joey as he grilled our dinner. He flipped the burgers and pushed the hot dogs side to side. I threw the buns on the grill to toast them up.

"You seem a lot happier than you have been!" Joey commented, grinning slightly.

"I have a new light on things." I replied to him, bouncing on my heels.

"Is that so?" He contradicted. I nodded my head. "What new light is that?"

I sighed, "I don't know how to explain it. But you know how Ian came over yesterday?" He shook his head yes. "Well, he...shed some light on the situation and made me think in a...new and more positive way."

Joey glanced over at me. "A new and more positive way, huh?"

"Mhmm." I replied confidently.

He laughed. "It's just good to see you in a better mood again."

"It feels a lot better." I admitted.

There was a short moment of silence, which Joey knew bugged me and him. So, Joey inquired softly. "This may be too soon, but what are you going to do about Anthony? I mean, you guys used to be best friends. Now what's going to happen?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't know."

He looked over at me and nodded his head for me to get the plate. I held the plate as he put the cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on it. We sat down at the table and began to eat, well Joey did. I just made a hamburger and set it on my plate.

"Are you going to be doing videos with them still?" He asked, holding his hand over his full mouth.

I stared at the table. "I don't know."


"Joey." I croaked, "Can we please stop talking about this?" I sighed. "Look, the new light is I'm going to try to find someone who makes me happy. Whether it's Anthony or some other guy." He pursed his lips out and leaned back in his chair.

"I wish you just let Anthony talk to you, Hol."

"I did."

"Yes, I was there, remember? But all you two did was argue." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and placed it beside his plate. "I want you two to have a true, heart-felt conversation. Not an argument."

I stared at the burger on my plate, not answering his question.

"Please, Hol, I want you to be happy. And believe it or not, Anthony is the one to do that." I looked up at him and clenched my jaw. He sighed, "Just try to forgive him, for me. And for you."

"I don't know, Joey..."

"End of discussion." He stated, picking up a hot dog from the plate and putting it into a bun. He ate it in a funny way which made me laugh. "Good to see that smile of yours." He commented with a full mouth. That made me laugh even harder.

-Ian's POV-

I slept over at Melanie's house the night before, I didn't want to be in the same house as Anthony until I was ready to see him. Last night, Joey called me. Saying Holly was all upset and stuff. I told him Anthony was the same way. So, he and I agreed to talk to Anthony and Holly and see if they can change their minds. And maybe even find love with each other (which we all know they had deep down inside).

I through the front door with my duffle bag in hand and saw no one in the house. "Anthony?" I walked into the dining room. "Anthony!"

I looked out the glass doors and saw him standing there. It looked like he was peeing on the plants.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I inquired, throwing my bag down and walking outside. He turned around, and I realized that he was holding a hose and watering the plants. I sighed in relief.

"I was just watching Holly be happy without me in her life." He replied dismally.

"Dude, don't say that."

"What? It's true." He threw the hose down on the ground.

"Look, you guys just need to talk this out."

"She hates me! She refuses to even be in the same room as me!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, you know, breaking into a girl's house by throwing a rock in her window and crawling through isn't the most welcoming."

"She wouldn't let me in." He crossed his arms.

"Anthony, I know you really really like her. So, why not just give her a shot again?"

"Because she..."

"I talked to her." I cut him off. "And, I hopefully made her think twice about not talking to you."

He raised his eyebrow, "What are you saying?"

I sighed, I didn't really know how to put it. "Just go talk to her."

He patted me on the shoulder, "I'll go do that...NEVER!" He screamed in my ear as he walked inside, slamming the door behind him. I looked over at Holly and Joey's backyard and saw they were going inside. It suddenly got darker; I looked up and felt a rain drop splash on my face. A clap of thunder cracked and it started to pour. I ran inside and was dripping wet. Anthony walked by and looked at me puzzled.

"Thanks man." I remarked sarcastically, sloshing past him and into my bedroom, picking up my bag along the way.

-Nev's POV-

Max and I walked into the hotel room and plopped down on separate beds.

"I can't believe we lost our show." He commented.

"Not really." I sat up on my elbows and turned my head toward him. "Hey, I have an idea." Sittiing up straight.


"Okay, so, Anthony said he just needs time to get things better between him and Holly, right?" Max nodded his head in agreement, "So, we give him that time. And then we come back! Go to their houses, and see how they are!"

"Kind of like at the end of all our episodes!" Max exclaimed. I nodded my head. "Except it won't be over web cam! That's perfect, Nev!"

I got up from the bed and walked over to my bag. I pulled out my laptop and set it out on the table. "Time for another case." I glanced over my shoulder at Max, who was getting his camera ready. I opened up my email and scanned through the list.

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