[Chapter 2] Editing

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Ian: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Me: You are too.

Ian: I wish Melanie wasn't in the way of our relationship...


Anthony, Ian and I were all sitting in the Smosh Games room. I was setting up the web cameras for the next game we were going to play. It was a Gametime with Smosh video they were recording and I was going to be their reoccuring "special" guest again. We were going to play another Slenderman game because the viewers commented that they wanted them to, besides all of the Minecraft comments. It was funny to see Anthony and Ian get so upset over viewer's comments.

We all sat at different computers - I sat next to Ian, and he sat in between Anthony and I.

Anthony turned on the web cameras. Ian and I put our headsets on. "Hey guys! Welcome to another Gametime with Smosh!" Anthony greeted with his usual perky tone. "Today, we will be playing another Slenderman game version...and uh, today we have our friend Holly here with us too." He leaned forward and smiled at me. I waved to my camera (all of the computers were equipped with their own). "Alright, so we all will be playing at the same time, and...here we go!"

We got a good few screams and a lot of laughs out of the Slenderman game.

We ended filming and went to leave.

"Well, Melanie and I are going to dinner tonight. So I don't know if I can help edit, Anthony." Ian told him as we walked out.

"It's okay." Anthony replied. "I can do it by myself."

"Why don't I help you?" I offered. Anthony looked at me with a slight smile.

"Really?" He clarified.

"Of course! I have nothing to do all night anyways, it'll give me something to do!"

"Thanks, Holly." Anthony said as he unexpectedly hugged me. I hugged him back.

"See you guys!" Ian waved goodbye and walked to his car, leaving Anthony and me in the dust yet again. I watched as Ian walked to his car. I wish he would just end his stupid relationship and be with me! Over the Internet, he was the most romantic person ever. But in person, god! Just...just tell me that you care! Don't fucking act like we don't have something.

I looked over at Anthony. "So, let's go!" I pointed to his car. I got in the passenger side as he got in the driver's.

We walked into their house and straight to the office. Anthony had sent the footage from the web cameras to his email so he could download it to the editing program. We spent the whole night updating, his and my eyes and brain were fried.

I had fallen asleep half way through, and Anthony punched me on my arm to wake me up when he was going to upload it. I watched him as he clicked the button and the loading bar began to fill up. I fell back into my chair, "I'm so tired." I stood up. "I think I'm gonna go back to my place, Anthony, thank you for letting me edit with you."

"No problem! I had more fun than you probably did." He said, joining me as I walked to the door.

I turned around. "I'll see you tomorrow. Right?"

He smiled and waved to me as I walked over to my house, which happened to be only a few houses down from theirs. It was on sale about two years ago, and I snatched it up. The price was great, the condition of the house wasn't too bad, and...you probably don't want to hear all that shit. Anyways, the best part was I was close to Ian and Anthony, so if they ever needed me for something, I was right there.

I walked into my house and laid down my bag. I walked straight into my room and opened my laptop and sat on my bed. I was going to check Facebook when I received a call from Skype. I opened it and saw two guys.

"Hi!" One of them said. He had dark brown hair. "I'm Nev. And this is Max." He pointed to the guy beside him, who was holding a video camera and had gray hair. "We're from Catfish the TV show. We read your email and were compelled to help."

I pushed a piece of my blue hair behind my ear, "Really? Thanks."

"So, can you tell us about your situation a little better?"

I sighed, "Well. Ian and I are friends, like outside of the Internet. And I've always had a crush on him. So of course when he messaged me over Facebook in 2010, I was ecstatic." The two of them smiled. "But when I try to talk to him about it, without his girlfriend, he..."

"So he has a girlfriend?" Max inquired.

"Yes." I wiped under my eye - I was getting too emotional. "But yeah, he acts like he has no idea about what we've said online and...I just think that someone is playing with me. And I want to find out the truth."

"Alright, so, here's what we're willing to do. We'll come, find Ian, and see what's the deal. Is that alright with you?"

I shook my head yes.

"Okay, Holly, we'll see you soon!"

I waved goodbye and shut the video down. I literally fell back in my bed and was knocked out because of how tired I was.

Author's Note: Hey! I'm not sure on this chapter...but I've been told to continue from the last one, so I hope you like this one! Please leave me comments below on your thoughts about this chapter, and maybe give me some tips for the next! Thank you for reading! -rac06h10ael

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